Shoot The Moon

“Shoot The Moon”

Shoot The Moon
Shoot The Moon, Claudia Strasbaugh

So says Norman Christian Hoffman, wishing to be known as “The man who saved the planet Earth!”

Hoffman produces a unique view of global warming, or in this case global-nonwarming.

Newsblaze readers are undoubtedly aware of the common chant that we must get the planet to cool or within a few million years, we are warm barbecue meat for starving polar bears.

Hoping to help prevent that, Al Gore did his bit with the movie production of “An Inconvenient Truth.” One of the major TV channels this week is devoting programming to “Green Week.” website offers up warnings 365. None of these criers as creative if quirky as the latest coughed up by Norman who maintains planetary warming can be eliminated by exercising an application promoted by climate sciences.

“I think I am right,” states Mr. Hoffman, with “You could add a great deal of weight to my theory. First of all, Global Warming is caused or not caused or is a science of the effect of certain gas in our atmosphere.”

He continues, “That noted, climate control from a totally new and unique perspective, Orbital Forcing. Orbital forces are the voluntary movements of the planets around us and the relevant effect that has on the climate of the earth.”

According to the author, we are presently under the direct influence of planets Jupiter and Saturn. Each take their turns altering our orbital trajectory as it relates to our sun. We have for the first time the ability to influence another orbiting body in our solar system, the moon.

Since all solar system objects are related, the theory holds that if we alter shape of the moon’s lunar orbit we alter our own planet’s relative position to the sun. With careful consideration we can a) push, or b) pull the moon away from us. We thereby alter our own planetary orbit, thus create change necessary to induce either global warming or global cooling periods, as we require.

This panacea can be achieved with use of modern science, “Climate Control.” By relying on a non-nuclear explosive developed by Russia, rather than the more powerful destructive nuclear arsenal commonly used to build bombs, this better tool at our disposal has obvious safety factors.

Whether Russians could plan such an operation alone, detonate their un-explosion in space and offset our moon orbit, force it to change its normal celestial path around the sun has yet to be determined. They could try, and with assistance of NASA quite likely succeed.

Orbital forces is a field of study under earth sciences. Practical application of their findings have become factual enough to enhance the safety of space travel around this globe. Their early findings verified that Orbital forces are evident cause of previous ice age changes as result of both CO2 and methane levels.

There is however, according to other planetary factions, much more yet to be learned, including methods of manipulating earth’s magnetosphere and ionosphere.

Claudia Strasbaugh
Claudia Strasbaugh was a freelance writer who founded Scripps Ranch/Mira Mesa Writer's Guild, was head writer for the weekly TV show "Kill 'EM With Comedy," plus California Bureau Chief for National Lotto World Magazine. Claudia also ran a nonprofit called Dinner On A Dollar. Sadly, Claudia passed away in 2015, but we are pleased to display her writing works.