Experts Provide Advice For Dealing With Financial Issues After Divorce

In the United States, the divorce to marriage ratio is 46%. The numbers may be slightly higher or lower in other countries in the world. Nevertheless, it is true that people from all around the world have to accept the fact that divorce could happen to them at some point in the future.

The unfortunate truth is that divorce is devastating in more ways than one. It is going to cripple the participants’ mental status, while also taking a major toll on their finances. Below, experts will provide advice to those dealing with the financial struggles after a heartbreaking divorce.

Dealing With Debts

A lot of couples are actually sharing debt when they get divorced. It could have something to do with their house payment or it might be associated with credit cards. When attempting to divorce, the couple needs to assess the debt and find out how to deal with it.

Some can be shared, but others may not be. Credit card debt is one issue. To determine what is going to work best, the couple will need to analyze the usage of the money and find out who is responsible for what. After the divorce, the responsibility should fall onto the shoulders of the cardholder.


Taxes are a real burden for those who are required to pay into the IRS. Married couples will almost always file jointly. When going through a divorce, both couples should keep a copy of all joint returns. It is also vital for them to consider the tax implications when attempting to negotiate how to split the assets.

Couples should think about working alongside a professional tax assessor to ensure that everything is squared away perfectly. This website offers more insight into the tax dealings of divorcing couples.

Child Support

After a divorce, there is a good chance that one side of the arrangement will be required to pay child support. Child support can be a major burden for the individual in question. Consumers need to realize that child support is far different than spousal support. Alimony can be taxed.

When paying alimony, the man or woman will be required to pay the tax using their income. That amount can also be deducted from their taxes. Child support cannot be taxed. Consumers should also know that the tax requirements for spousal support tend to vary from one state to the next.

Overcoming These Issues

Divorcing men and women need to realize that they’re not alone in this battle. As long as they remain diligent, they’ll ultimately be able to overcome these financial struggles and get their life back together. It is also a good idea to hire help.

A Certified Divorce Financial Analyst can provide these individuals with the assistance that they need to get over these speedbumps. A Certified Divorce Financial Analyst will help the client review the current offer and the possible financial troubles that he or she will face after the divorce. That can help them get a better deal to ensure that they’re able to have a brighter future even after the divorce has concluded.

Melissa Thompson
Melissa Thompson writes about a wide range of topics, revealing interesting things we didn't know before. She is a freelance USA Today producer, and a Technorati contributor.