The 4 volume report by National Renewable Energy Laboratory is nothing short of an environmental eureka moment for the United States of America. Focusing on how readily-accessible technology can accentuate renewable energy as the go-to source of electricity soon, the report claims that 80 percent of the US’ electricity will be powered by renewable sources by the year 2050. Although it sounds almost dreamlike, can this documented prophecy actually get green energy?
With the US’ tech-savviness and varied sources of energy on hand, yes, it can. Half of the US’ energy requirements will be met by wind and solar photovoltaic powers, according to the report. So, how is the United States making this growth possible?
It is not an inexpensive endeavor, or perhaps even an easy one, but, the report states that the country does not require extravagant technology. It emphasizes on using commercially available technology to execute this mission.
The report talks about the penetration of renewable energy technology into the country. It claims that the country will require 20 to 45 GW per year to meet its target. The average cost of electricity across the US is 10 cents per KW, with companies like Get Green Energy in Texas making electricity and energy affordable for households all over the state. Get Green Energy sources energy plans from name-brand providers in its state, giving homeowners a wealth of affordable options to choose from. Organizations like these help homeowners save money and get energy without the hassles involved. This makes it feasible for the country to make the most advantageous use of all the energy that is organically available.
With technology and research on its side, what can possibly stand in the way of this development?
Unforeseen environmental problems, power-centric politics, and the landowners’ resistance to shifting to renewable energy, among many other factors. The failure to implement effective policies or the tardiness that accompanies them could be contributing causes in its bumpy development.
One of the feasible ways to execute this venture is by storing the green energy, but, energy storage, apart from being a costly affair, is limited, thus increasing the costs of this environment-friendly shift.
Though the report charts out a plan empowering the US to get green energy, the States is still bound by the effective implementation of the right policies. If the policymakers deviate from the report’s recommendations or vote against the likes of using renewable sources of energy, the energy goal by 2050 will not come about.
Yet, in positive news, the requirement of water by power plants will drastically reduce following the energy shift. Water preservation and reduced pollution, thanks to abundant natural resources replacing polluting forms of energy, is a dream for environmentalists and climate change activists everywhere. The shift will produce substantial benefits for the climate in its expedition to get green energy.
Wiser states that renewable resources are “large and diverse enough and geographically distributed enough to do this. While research seems to have given the US a go on this project, achieving it in reality will require time, effort and Government support.
This may just be the revolutionary shift that fast-tracks the fight against climate change and goes on to become a prototypical example for countries to follow.