Kindle and Kindle II eBook readers from now share the limelight with the Nook from Barnes & Noble. Both Kindle and the Nook are excellent so the big question is which do you want most?
Either way the time has come to say “Bye-bye to book pages made of paper,” and make a lot of tree huggers happy. These new Kindle and Nook eBook Readers today come with enough features to charm us all into giving up paper printbooks.
Kindle with it’s fresh slim white clean look is already second-generation, available now as Kindle II. One of its better assets thanks to E-Ink, which makes the screen for Kindle, is its ability to resize text for your reading comfort. So does the Nook. Also a handheld unit, Nook comes with enough bright Designer covers to delight fun folk, pink, chartreuse, blue, plus more cheerful colors.
Barnes & Noble’s Nook benefits those who are more than book readers, it allows you to read MS Word Documents as well. Kindle II software on the other hand, works well with Macs or PC. First time consumers can buy and read books from Amazon’s library without owning any other costly hardware, except for the computer itself that is.
Kindle Advantage
Kindle II has the advantage of accessing Amazon’s library filled with tens of thousands of e-books, newspapers, magazines, and blogs via big “A”‘s familiar online store. It comes with free wireless built-in regardless of your zip code. Using “Whispernet” data network, the built-in keyboard for taking or making notes is country-club fancy. Navigation won’t do horoscopes or deliver weather predictions however it functions much like a search-engine. Kindle II won’t make maps, play games, neither will Nook. Kindle II is now capable of storing 1,500 eBooks. A new feature is longer battery life. It displays image files and doesn’t balk at MP3 or AA audio.
Compatible with MS Windows and Mac machines, the new Text-to-Speech feature allows users to have their text read to them aloud. It stops short of making music to write song lyrics the user might right. It can tell you if words created rhyme. Getting good at what one writes definitely could qualify as a Home Job, a way of earning income at home.
Nook Book Numbers
Nook has available over 1,000,000 titles plus eNewspapers and eMagazines delivered to its 3G memory fed by the Wi-Fi. browser. Barnes and Noble allows users fast access to its eBookstore where you can sample any eBook for free. Many of them are brand new releases and bestsellesr – some priced as low as 9.99.
You can also choose a 16-level gray scale display. A by-product is great contrast with no glare or back-light. Also with adjustable text size for easy reading, the Nook sports a beautiful color touch screen thanks once more to the E Ink display.
Text Test
Text is every bit as crisp as print pages. The limit of five font sizes could prove a drawback to some. To make up for that shortcoming, users have availability of bookmarks, making notes, highlight passages as they read. This is part of Nook’s spectacular navigation system.
Nook has a decided advantage in the navigation department. Access to Nook’s built in dictionary makes it easy to look up words mid-sentence then the automatic bookmark takes you right back to where you left off reading.
If you forget your Nook at home and find yourself stuck on a bus, you can keep reading on your iPhone or BlackBerry. Using Barnes & Noble’s free WiFi.
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