Jerome Drexler’s April 2005 prediction that a dark matter halo can penetrate its enclosed galaxy was recently confirmed by the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics just after Jerome Drexler’s October 30, 2009 book, “Our Universe via Drexler Dark Matter” went to press.
An article published Oct. 30, 2009, in, that was scientifically researched by astronomers at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center in Boston, is entitled, “Dark Matter in a Galaxy.” It points out that “Astronomers modeling the galaxy [UGC 7321] have concluded that dark matter plays an important role in determining the dynamics of the inner as well as the outer regions of this galaxy.”
The article ends with the researchers’ discovered findings and conclusions as follows: “The new results imply that dark matter permeates a galaxy, and is not constrained to exist in the cold outer regions of intergalactic space.” Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory’s SAO astronomer Lynn Matthews and two colleagues used the galaxy UGC 7321 for their successful research.
Bell Labs-trained scientist and discoverer of relativistic-proton dark matter in 2002, Jerome Drexler, had publicly predicted this same discovery four years ago – using his “dark matter cosmology,” not astronomy – in his 19-page scientific paper, astro-ph/0504512, April 22, 2005, “Identifying Dark Matter through the Constraints Imposed by Fourteen Astronomically Based ‘Cosmic Constituents.'” Drexler’s dark matter cosmology has uncovered a number of important cosmic-phenomena manifestations.
One of these manifestations is that a dark matter halo can extend into its enclosed galaxy disc by partially overlapping it; the degree of such overlap can have a profound effect on the galaxy’s star formation rate and on its surface brightness. Drexler’s dark matter cosmology explains these phenomena through the following four quoted paragraphs from the above-mentioned Drexler 19-page scientific paper, which is available in complete form at under “Papers.”
Item J on Page 6: “Why [dark matter] DM halo protons enter its galaxy. It follows from the previous paragraph that a stream of magnetically constrained relativistic protons in a dark matter halo skimming the surface of its galaxy would experience the same effects owing to the higher magnetic field of the galaxy, thereby causing the [dark matter relativistic] proton stream to move deeper into the galaxy and leading to increased synchrotron radiation and a loss of kinetic energy and relativistic mass. By this means, the combined mass of the galaxy and its DM halo would decline. (A similar process can occur if the [dark matter] halo protons collide with dust, photons or hydrogen/helium clouds causing the protons to slow down, thereby decreasing their path radius and increasing their synchrotron radiation energy losses.) [14] [15]”
Item T on Page 9: “An explanation for LSB [low surface brightness] dwarf galaxies’ low star production rates. See SigChar L and references [4] [17]. If the diameter of a dwarf galaxy disc is smaller than the ‘hollow’ core of its dark matter halo, the number of DM halo protons entering the galaxy to ignite or feed stars would be low or very low.
This would occur because the DM halo [relativistic] protons would not be subjected to the full magnitude of the galaxy’s higher magnetic field, which typically leads to a rapid rise in synchrotron radiation losses and a decline of the protons’ kinetic energy followed by their movement into the enclosed galaxy. The author believes that LSB dwarf galaxies and starless dark galaxies probably have this smaller-galaxy-disc/larger-halo-core relationship. (However, it should be noted that LSB dwarf galaxies are known to be isolated in space, which would eliminate dust accreted onto them from external sources and thus would suggest a lower the star production rate.)
The author believes that an LSB or starless galaxy could evolve into a star-creating galaxy as the galaxy grows in mass and size fed by slowed protons from the relativistic protons of the DM halo over millions to billions of years until the galaxy disk becomes equal to or larger in diameter than the “hollow” core of its DM halo and the two celestial bodies overlap. The author believes that the Milky Way is of this overlapping disc-halo type because it is estimated that the dark matter mass reaching into the Milky Way approximately equals the ordinary matter mass of the Galaxy and, of course, it is a star-creating galaxy. (Also see SigChar D.)
One example of a well known LSB dwarf galaxy is DDO154, also known as NGC 4789A and UGC8024, which contains a very large amount of atomic hydrogen gas and has a very large ratio of dark matter to ordinary matter, but for some reasons has a very low star formation rate. Another dwarf galaxy of this type with a huge disk of rotating atomic hydrogen gas, UGC 5288, was studied with a radio telescope by Indiana University using the NSF VLA telescope and reported on in a press release dated January 10, 2005.
On February 18, 2005, Astronomy magazine published an article entitled, ‘The first dark galaxy?’ in which astronomers from Britain (Cardiff University), Australia, France and Italy say, ‘A [rotating] cloud of gas in the Virgo cluster may be the first dark galaxy ever found. The mysterious object has one-tenth the Milky Way’s mass but consists of hydrogen gas and dark matter … with no detectable stars.’
Yet its mass-to-blue-light ratio is at least ten times that of the Milky Way. In December 2004 the University of Virginia announced the discovery of a galaxy named Zwicky 18 which existed as a galaxy in an embryonic state for billions of years and ‘went through a sudden first starburst only about 500 million years ago.’ It is possible that this galaxy was smaller than the ‘hollow’ core of its DM halo for billions of years until they finally overlapped after the galaxy grew in size from accretion of protons, helium nuclei, etc., from its DM halo.”
Item 10 on Page 14: “Create a large starless galaxy or an LSB [low surface brightness] dwarf galaxy with low star formation rates. See SigChar A, B, C, D, E, G, J, L, M and T. The author believes that the diameter of a galaxy embedded within the ‘hollow’ core of a DM halo can be larger, smaller or the same size as the inner diameter of the ‘hollow’ core. It is known that the galactic magnetic field strength of spiral galaxies is higher than the extragalactic magnetic field surrounding the DM halo. The low star formation rates for starless galaxies and LSB dwarf galaxies can be explained if the orbiting relativistic protons in the DM halo are normally utilized either to ignite the hydrogen fusion reaction of new stars or to provide proton fuel to the stars.
It would follow that the low star formation rate could occur if the galaxy diameter is smaller than the halo core diameter and, therefore, protons in the DM halo would not be subjected to the higher magnetic field of the galaxy and to the subsequent synchrotron radiation losses which would normally cause them to move into the galaxy and thereby facilitate the formation of stars. Also, LSB dwarf galaxies are known to be isolated in space, which would eliminate dust accreted from external sources, which would lead to a lower the star production rate. A large dark galaxy can also exhibit a low star production rate if the DM halo magnetic field is lower than normal and/or the energies of the DM protons are higher than normal since in both these cases the DM halo protons would tend to remain in the halo.
(Starburst galaxies, which have high star creation rates, represent the opposite case. They contain large amounts of dust with which the DM halo protons could collide, lose kinetic energy and move into the galaxy as their synchrotron radiation losses rise, thereby providing high energy proton fuel for star creation. Also, the dust leads to the production of muons, which is a known catalyst of hydrogen fusion.)”
Item 11 on Page 14: “Lead to linearly rising rotation curves for LSB [low surface brightness] dwarf galaxies and to flat rotation curves for spiral galaxies. See SigChar L. The recently announced (February 11, 2005 [17]) linearly rising rotation curves of LSB dwarf galaxies, compared to the flat rotation curves for large spiral galaxies, indicated to the researchers that the dark matter of LSB dwarf galaxy halos is ‘weakly centrally concentrated.’
This supports Drexler’s previously developed concept of the ‘hollow’ cores of DM halos and the core-size relationship to the size of the enclosed galaxies. One can thus conclude that if the enclosed galaxy is smaller than the ‘hollow’ core diameter of the halo, the star formation rate probably will be low. If the galaxy disc diameter overlaps the ‘hollow’ core of the DM halo, the galaxy probably will have a high star formation rate. If a galaxy is smaller than a typical LSB galaxy or if its galactic magnetic field is unusually low, it could appear to be a ‘dark galaxy.’
A dark dwarf galaxy can remain a ‘dark galaxy’ accreting protons and helium nuclei from its DM halo for billions of years until it grows sufficiently in size to overlap the ‘hollow’ core of its DM halo and star production could begin. A high level of dust particles in a galaxy and halo would probably bias it toward a high rate of star production because more protons from the DM halo would enter the galaxy and their collisions with dust would create muons, which catalyze hydrogen fusion.”
Drexler has documented his seven years of dark matter/dark energy research, its timeline, its interaction with mainstream cosmology, and the overwhelming evidence that relativistic-proton dark matter represents the principal constituent of the dark matter of the universe in the following six publications.”
(1) Scientific Web site dated Dec. 8, 2008, entitled, “Discovering Dark Matter Cosmology” at:
(2) Paperback book, March 1, 2008, “Discovering Postmodern Cosmology: Discoveries in Dark Matter, Cosmic Web, Big Bang, Inflation, Cosmic Rays, Dark Energy, Accelerating Cosmos.”
(3) Scientific paper, physics/0702132, Feb. 15 2007, “A Relativistic-Proton Dark Matter Would Be Evidence the Big Bang Probably Satisfied the Second Law of Thermodynamics.”
(4) Paperback book, May 22, 2006, “Comprehending and Decoding the Cosmos: Discovering Solutions to Over a Dozen Cosmic Mysteries by Utilizing Dark Matter Relationism, Cosmology, and Astrophysics.”
(5) Scientific paper, astro-ph/0504512, April 22, 2005, “Identifying Dark Matter through the Constraints Imposed by Fourteen Astronomically Based ‘Cosmic Constituents.'”
(6) Paperback book, Dec. 15, 2003, “How Dark Matter Created Dark Energy and the Sun: An Astrophysics Detective Story.”
ABOUT THE AUTHOR OF THE THREE BOOKS: Jerome Drexler is a former member of the technical staff and group supervisor at Bell Labs, former research professor in physics at New Jersey Institute of Technology, founder and former Chairman and chief scientist of LaserCard Corp. (Nasdaq: LCRD). He has been awarded 76 U.S. patents, honorary Doctor of Science degrees from NJIT and Upsala College, a degree of Honorary Fellow of the Technion, an Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship at Stanford University, a three-year Bell Labs graduate study fellowship, the 1990 “Inventor of the Year Award” for Silicon Valley and recognition as the original inventor in 1978 of the now widely-used digital optical disk “Laser Optical Storage System” and the LaserCard(R) nanotech data memory. He is a member of the Board of Overseers of New Jersey Institute of Technology and an Honorary Life Member of the Technion Board of Governors.
CONTACT: Jerome Drexler, [email protected]