What shall one do
when one’s heart is full of sadness…
My mother, our cats, our dogs
Our cows, our heifers, our bulls
Our goat, our sheep, our ducks
Our rabbits, our guniea pigs, our budgies
Our fish, our hens, our roosters
All these creatures have come and gone
during the years I spent here on earth
I loved them all
That’s why my heart is full of sadness

My cat was the last one to leave me
He left me for a better place
I miss him
I miss them all
I miss them so much it hurts inside
It can be anything that reminds me of them
like the summer landscape
Now they are all gone
It hurts
Lots of people don’t understand
how one can feel bad when a pet has died
They say it is just a pet
But they are wrong, it is not just a pet
It’s a family member, a close friend

What’s even harder for people to understand
is when you cry over a cow
To me they are all the same
A cow, a cat, a bull, a heifer
A budgie, a goat, a rabbit, a chicken
A dog, a duck, a guinea pig, a fish
I make no difference
To me they are all family members

I wish that all people could open their eyes and see
See that the eyes of a bull
are just as beautiful as the eyes of a dog
But maybe people are afraid,
afraid to look into the eyes of a bull
Because then they would see that they have a soul
That they want to live and not become food
I hope that one day people wake up
and realize what they are doing to the animals

In the meantime I let the cat I have left console me
I know she will help me to live
Help me to live with all the grief I carry in my heart
I use to look into her beautiful eyes
Then she blinks and so do I
I can tell by her look that she understands me
because we’re both grieving
She lost her soul mate
and I lost my beloved friend
She blinks
I blink
We’re connected forever