You were my love
You were my friend
You were my everything
And now you are gone…
gone forever
You have left the earth for a better place
You have moved to the angels now…
to the angels in heaven above
But I am still on earth all alone now
My heart is bleeding but I keep breathing
My emotions are such a mess now…
I don’t think that I can function without you…
I have loved you for over thirteen years
And now you are gone…
gone to another place
A place where you can’t feel any more pain
And that is something that I am so thankful for
but my heart is still bleeding and so it will
for a long time ahead…
You knew me so, so, so well
Although you knew me you kept sending me love
Sending me so much love from your beautiful heart
And your heart was like a deep ocean
A deep ocean of love
A deep ocean of love so pure
A love so perfect
And that love you sent to me
I have been crying because I miss you
I miss you so much
There are no words for what I feel
I will never again hear you breathe
I will never again hear you huff
I will never again hear you bark
I will never again hear you walking around
I will never again hear you sigh
and sigh is a typical noise for a hovawart
Affi…I truly love the sound of your sigh
and now I can’t hear it anymore…
You came into my life when you were around eight weeks old
You were so cute as a puppy
You were so beautiful as a grown up dog
Sadly you had to leave me the year when you turned thirteen
You turned thirteen in March and in June you left me
You left me for a peaceful place
A place where you will have the strength to run again and jump
I don’t think that I ever have seen a dog jump so high as you did
During your lifetime with me we have only been apart for about a month
Other than that we have seen each other every single day
And since I have been used to have you around my life will be so strange now…
Because you are gone now
gone to this other place
A place where you finally can see Tjorven again and all of your other beloved friends
I truly wish that I could go to you, my darlings
I would love to be able to hang around you, my friends
I know that I would enjoy lying on a cloud
On a big nice, soft, white cloud
just to lie there and daydream and sleep
is something that I would love to do
But I am still here…
here on earth
In a place that will be so empty without you…
A place where I no longer can seek comfort in your eyes
I can never again look into your beautiful, kind, big, brown eyes
I will miss our looks between each other
Do you remember how we sometimes just looked at each other?
We just looked in each other’s eyes and then we knew exactly how the other felt
You stood always by my side through good times and bad times
You were always there for me and now you are gone…
I can never again feel your soft fur beneath my fingers
I can never again touch your smooth pads
I can never again see you wag your tail
The life goes on and my heart is bleeding
because you are no longer here with me
But I console myself with that you will forever be in my heart
I will never forget you
And I hope that you at least felt a little bit
a little bit of all the love that I felt for you
Because I felt all the love you gave me
and now I hope that you were able to receive
just some of all the warm feelings that I felt for you and still do…
I will remember all our countless walks
You and I saw many wild animals during our walks
Moose, roe deer, reindeer, fox, birds…
Like that time we saw the eagle when my sis followed us
that big eagle that was flying just above our heads
Or that time when we were really close to a fox
Or all the times when we saw moose
I will remember how happy you became
when you stood in the waterhole during hot summer days
I will remember when we stood on the mountain and looked at the view
I will remember how pleased you became when you rolled in the snow
And I will always remember your wonderful smile
Yes Affi, I have many wonderful memories of you
Memories that I will cherish until the day I die
Because you were my love
You were my friend
You were my everything…