Chic Hollis rails against so-called leaders who collect awards for talking about doing something, who don’t actually end up doing what they said they would. Instead, they do other things that don’t support the people they said they would support. In fact, they make things a lot worse for the people they said they would help.
It seems that those who have been fighting to gain power for years, complaining about the status quo, have a problem. Once they have the power to do what they said they would, they become assimilated by the status quo and there is no discernible difference.
Years into the future, we might come back to this little ditty to see if the early faith put in these so-called leaders was realized. They say past performance is no guarantee of future performance, but in the case of human endeavor, it seems to be a safe bet.
There is no doubt that they will see it another way, and the finger will be pointed at others who “wouldn’t let us do what was needed.” It is an excuse that plays out all the time, and it may never end.
Oh yeah, Hope and Change!
Bring ’em Back Alive, Mr. Obama
What is the status of our human common sense?
Can a preemptive offense
That wastes a lot of pence
Be honestly considered a “moral defense?”
Don’t keep us in suspense you mugwumps on the fence
Saving those “too big to fail” is a shocking precedence!
Is it wisdom to dispense to doubting residents
Clever words of presidents excusing incompetence?
Brutal wars cost lives, many dollars and cents.
Our aggression overseas makes very little sense
To cold refugees who live in squalid tents
And innocent peasants that have no defense.
If peace is the goal of savvy presidents
And waging war makes angry dissidents
You should try to please intelligent malcontents
By disengaging soldiers and packing up their tents!
What is the Nobel Peace Prize all about, Barack?