Up Close and Personal With Artist Marc Remus in TV Documentary ‘Kulturcheck’

The public (in U.S.) has been priviledged to see a TV documentary featuring Marc Remus.

NewsBlaze is one of the first to share with readers about this artist’s experience since the artist was documented on television in Germany.


“Kulturcheck” was the show that taped the documentary about him. Remus resides in Frankfurt, Germany, and he was interviewed at his art studio in Sachsenhausen.

Rhein-Main TV

Reporter Katrin Kramer, with Rhein-Main TV and “Kulturcheck,” interviewed Remus. Her questions and his responses covered the artist’s background, art training, awards, current work as an artist, his writing and illustrating of children’s books, acting and more.

Marc Remus on Kulturcheck

The show began with Remus taking the reporter on a tour through his studio. Since much of his art is that of cities and countries, viewing it was like taking a tour with Marc Remus as the travel guide!

Marc Remus

The Tour

The tour consisted of “visiting” a cathedral in Mexico City, Irish landscapes, landmarks of Japan, the Eiffel Tower in Paris, pyramids of Yucatan, the cityscapes of Frankfurt and more.

The Interview

Remus was asked how many cities he has painted.

“I have painted around 90 cities in this style so far.”

When Remus suffered a bout with cancer, his style of art changed. He began working in bright colors, and each original piece is also created in a large size. Although, his art can be enjoyed and purchased in a smaller size as well.

Remus shared how he uses colors and materials when he works. Some of the medium used is tea, coffee, watercolors and acrylics. He was asked how he mixes the ingredients.

“The recipe is a secret, but it consists of various teas.”

This talented artist’s research has not remained local, nor has his art been restricted to Frankfurt art galleries only. Remus has been successful in many art galleries around the world.

Marc Remus

When asked how old he was when he knew he had a keen interest for art, Remus said he was six years old. He could draw quite well, and he even won his first award as a youngster. However, when Remus was young, he also knew that he would eventually need formal training.

“You can always teach yourself a lot, but at a certain point you reach a limit when you realize that you need a formal education.

It was at this point when I decided to move to California and study art. There I could learn all the classical techniques.”

Remus’ art changed after having cancer.

“Every artist evolves and is influenced by his environment and by the things that he goes through… “

Marc Remus was asked if, during his travels, if he paints wherever he is at or does he come home and paint?

“I take photographs while I’m gone, and I work when I come back to my studio.”

Thank you Marc Remus

In conclusion, Marc Remus was reminded on the show about a recent art competition that he won involving the Mexican Consulate. As a result of his win, he will be working most of 2013 in preparation for submitting several pieces of art as part of Mexico’s cultural program.

Thank you Marc Remus for sharing. Your fans look forward to your art, travels, awards, TV shows you are in, and more!

Marc Remus

Airing of Documentary

The documentary mentioned here originally aired the end of last year. Recently it was chosen as one of the best 2012 shows. “Kulturcheck” aired, in 2013, the first minutes of each show chosen, including Marc’s. That special show was called “Best of Winter 2012.”


Readers can enjoy Marc Remus on “Kulturcheck” (here at attached video), follow him on Facebook and at MarcRemus.com.