Interview by Judyth Piazza

She was born and raised in England. As a small girl, she heard voices, and had visions of people who had died. Threatened by her mother, the young Rosemary kept silent about the strange, menacing faces she saw in the dark.
In the 1970’s, in her mid-thirties with a ten-year-old daughter, Rosemary was abandoned by her husband. Near rock bottom, Rosemary began to nurture her spiritual gifts.
Rosemary says it was her spirit guide, Grey Eagle, who advised her to publish her first book, The Eagle and the Rose, in the United States and then afterwards in other countries. The Eagle and the Rose became a huge bestseller. “Americans are very open and enthusiastic,” Rosemary says. The essence of her message is that there is life after death, and that we are all spiritual beings who come to earth to learn.
Rosemary has worked professionally as a medium for over twenty years. She is the founder of the RAAH-the Rosemary Altea Association of Healers, a charitable organization based in England with patients worldwide. Rosemary is also a faith healer and has five healing centers in Britain, and a staff of thirty unpaid healers, who practice spiritual healing.
Rosemary has appeared on numerous national television shows including The Oprah Show, Larry King Live and Prime Time Live with Diane Sawyer.
Coinciding with the release of her second book, PROUD SPIRIT,
Rosemary Altea appeared on ABC-TV’s 20/20 and on NBC-TV’s Unsolved Mysteries. She has also been written about worldwide.
Rosemary’s third bestselling book, You Own the Power, illustrates what a master teacher she has become over the years. You Own the Power begins to show how it’s more than possible that we are all able, in some way, to tap into our sixth sense. The book tells stories and gives exercises to unleash the power within.
Rosemary’s fourth book, Soul Signs: An Elemental Guide To You Spiritual Destiny,is groundbreaking and gives the world an *entirely new* “soul system” for understanding our relationships, our successes and failures, and ultimately our most fundamental selves. Soul Signs, introduces a system of “soul typing” that encompasses all living beings and explores the true nature of the soul. That we are all one of 5 Energy Groups which are then broken down in to 13 “Soul Types, or Soul Signs.” What Soul Sign are you?
Rosemary has now completed her fifth book, A Matter Of Life And Death, due to publish May 19th 2007. (Copies available in April). To read more about the contents of this new book, visit Ask Rosemary, where she answers some questions about the book and her inspiration behind it. This book is very similar in many ways to Rosemary’s runaway best seller, The Eagle and The Rose…all of the things we loved about that book AND more!
See our books and audio section for more information and even excerpts from all of her books. Plus, Rosemary has recently recorded a series of 4 healing and meditation CDs that are exculusive to our website. See our store for them, and other great site exclusive products
On a mission to touch as many people as she can, Rosemary does her best to reach out to people in many different ways. There are many ways to connect with Rosemary and feel the light of her work. She hopes that this web site is one of many. Learn more about Rosemary’s work including what there is to do here on the site, lectures and events, healing, charity work and much more…and don’t forget to sign up for Rosemary’s mailing list to receive news and updates.
For More Information:
Source: The Student Operated Press