An interview with ‘Mega Phone Man,’ a pro-active campaigner of sorts
Why do you campaign and what do you campaign about?
I don’t really campaign, but my message is to wake people up living in this ever commercialized world!
What drives you?
What drives me? The constant abuse of power from the government who never ever do what the people want! Until they mend their ways, I will never stop what I do!
How do people respond to your mega phone rants?
Well, a few girls, yes girls, as I don’t think they are mentally women yet, find what I do “annoying” and I regularly get insults. But heh, I don’t care!
People’s responses to what I do are funny, most of the time. I always try to preach a message of disobedience, and that you are in control of what you do and the 99% of people agree. I also “ban” people from going on the grass, just to see their reactions!
What figures have inspired you to be the person you are today?
Some people have inspired me. They are Charlie Veitch, Danny Shine, Dan Bostock and there’s many more.
If you could change one thing about the world we live in today what would it be and more importantly why?
If I could change one thing about the world, obviously “world poverty” comes to mind, but with that, the leaders of these countries which are poor, are usually autocratic and crazy. So to solve world poverty, we must oust these terrible leaders out. But that is not what I would change. I would change nothing because everything is fine.
Where do you see yourself in 3 years?
Where do I see myself in 3 years? I live somewhere in London. I don’t want to think ahead. Live life now and don’t care about the future!
What is Roehampton University like for you?
This is from the National Student Survey right? I’ll tell you when I graduate!
What do you think of the government hiking up the price of education?
As a student, I deplore the government for increasing tuition fees. I don’t particularly care. There are other things they could do. But as usual people never learn. Government works for the elite and not for you. It’s sad, I know.
What do you think of bankers and do you believe they are all the same?
Well, bankers “caused” this financial recession yadadadada…. No it’s a combination of bankers with governments who are idiots. In terms of their job description, yes they are idiots, but as a human, they probably have a heart. Who knows?
What is Grey matters?
Grey Matters is a radio show at Roehampton University where we talk about “grey” and taboo issues. I host along with Alistair Roustaing and Danie Martin from 5-6pm on a Monday. We have a website too at! Check out the shows!!!
Who is your favorite journalist in the whole wide world? (me)
And most journalists are plonkers, but there are a few such as yourself who are great. Don’t work for the corporate media Kings, be yourself and work for yourself!
Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to chat.