Chapa Raves Over Gusto Spanish, Italian, French Cusine


Movie personalities such Damian Chapa, are pretty particular with their food choices and how their prepared.This reporter decided to make it a special priority to invite the ”Blood In Blood Out” star to a culinary journey of Spanish, French and Italian cuisine at Gusto Del Lido.Gusto has an elegance that’s earthy, charming and romantic, with it’s rustic walls and the presence of Flamenco dancers.

Chef Michael, the owner of this fine eatery, has traveled throughout the world and worked with many dignitaries for their special VIP events. ”My Mother had a lot to do with my inspiration to cook. But then again, preparing meals for the President of Tunisia, Africa helped mold my career as a chef.Chef Michael at the age of 15 was a professional soccer player. If it wasn’t for an injury from soccer, he may never have become the chef he is today.

Of course, attending Switzerland’s Lassen School of Cooking in Lassen, certainly set the stage for his culinary career. Dr. Linda Misch joined Mr. Capa and myself for this festive occasion.The evening began with appetizers, calamari, Italian sausage, and some tapas, along with Chef Michael’s tomato soup, prepare with garlic and lemon.

Now that’s a succulent way to taste a sampling of Italian, Spanish, french, Mediterranean style.The main courses included Sea bass Rustic prepared with a olive oil and white wine base. Together, with the saffron rice, it sets off the tastes buds with a melt in your mouth effect.Dr. Misch partook in the Veal dish and I enjoyed the Halibut dish.

After filling our bellies to our hearts content, to our surprise, we were brought up to do some Flamenco dancing. That was a night to remember. I asked Chapa what he thought of the cuisine.” This is the best food in Los Angeles.I’m surprised I didn’t know about this place. I’ll definitely bring my family here.”When taking a culinary journey as we did, be prepared to have patience and wait about 20 minutes for some dishes. No microwaves are used in this restaurant and everything is prepared to order.

Oh, if you have enough room for desert, Gusto prepares all their deserts fresh. Weather it’s chocolate souffle or tiramisu, it’s delightful. Gusto Del Lido is located in Marina Del Rey on 417 Washington Blvd. For reservations or to cater a party call [310] 823-3979.Celebrity Scene News rating for Gusto Del Lido is 10.Tell them Pete sent ya.

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Pete Allman
Pete Allman
Pete Allman, "The Man on the Scene," is based in Marina del Rey, California, concentrating on producing feature films, television projects, and commercials. Pete also has an office in Las Vegas, which he visits occasionally. Pete is also a restaurant critic, broadcast personality and celebrity interviewer. He produces inspirational messages for television and other media. Of all the investigations he makes, we suspect he likes critiquing restaurants the most, because he can taste the food, savor the atmosphere, interact with people, and photograph all the goodies. Subscribe to Pete Allman, Writer by Email

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