Re-Cap Search Feature On Twitter

Missed tweets can be Twitter searched.

Twitter’s search engine is stuffed full of knowledge about anything, everything, pertaining to what’s going on now. Let’s say a friend mentioned today that Marcella Glenn entered school B in a contest. Only, it was several days ago.

Twitter, as it stands, has no way to re-cap the link to the elementary school, or find out anything about the contest.

On Wednesday, Google introduced a re-cap, replay, search feature that will allow a search for tweets- in a given time period.

“Tweets and other short form updates create a history of commentary that can provide valuable insights into what’s happened and how people have reacted.” Dylan Casey, product manager for Google real-time search, scribbled in a blog post. “We want to give you a way to search across this information and make it useful.”

Let’s look at how it works. After you do a Google search, click on the Show Options link. Recent tweets will show-case pertaining to your search.

The service is available back to February 11, 2010, but the archive will soon allow users to search results back to March 21, 2006. The first tweet was created March 21, 2006.