Big Bang Machine
A story at WND reported “Before being put into operation, the Large Hadron Collider was nicknamed the ‘Big Bang Machine’ because of fears it could touch off a cataclysmic event dooming the Earth.”
After startup, the Hadron Super Collider operated by the European Organization for Nuclear Research, (CERN), with its 27-mile circular ring evoked fears it would cause a black hole or even worse. A hypothetical super-atom, according to theory, “could expand in massive Large Hadron Collider reactions to completely destroy the planet.”
When discussing CERN, we must remember how it connects into this huge electromagnetic grid encircling the facility for miles. Billy explains how the process of firing particles close to the speed of light around the 27 kilometer ring is the same as what they are doing in the plasma atmosphere above. Adding to the torsion field produced, and a magnetic field a hundred-thousand times stronger than the one produced by the earth, it’s possible to produce some ultra-strange effects.
Cyclotrons Started The Research
We know a Cyclotronic Resonance describes the interaction of external forces with charged particles experiencing a magnetic field, thus already moving on a circular path. It is named after the cyclotron, a cyclic particle accelerator utilizing an oscillating electric field to add kinetic energy to charged particles.
The earliest operational circular accelerators were cyclotrons. Cyclotrons have a single pair of hollow shaped plates to accelerate the particles, and a single large dipole magnet to bend their path into a circular orbit. The particles are injected into the magnet and are extracted at the outer edge at maximum energy.
Cyclotrons reach an energy limit because of relativistic effects whereby the particles effectively become more massive, so that their cyclotron frequency drops out of synch with the accelerating RF. Therefore, simple cyclotrons can accelerate protons only to an energy of around 15 million electron volts (15 MeV, corresponding to a speed of roughly 10% of c), because the protons get out of phase with the driving electric field. In isochronous cyclotrons, they are faster. An example is the PSI Ring cyclotron in Switzerland, which provides protons at the energy of 590 MeV corresponding to ~80% of the speed of light “(c).”
Portals To Extra Dimensions
“Portals” have never been out of the question. For years, science has speculated about other unknown dimensions. Speculation on ‘five’ total dimensions have been going on for years. Then some scientists decided there may actually be ‘eleven’ dimensions in total. Shocking as it sounds, there are two other dimensions we know exist but they cannot be seen yet – Heaven and Hell. We know these places exist, but where has God placed them?
However, there are theories attempting to unify the four fundamental forces by introducing extra dimensions. Most notably, superstring theory requires 10 space-time dimensions, and originates from a more fundamental 11-dimensional theory tentatively called M-theory. This encompasses five previously distinct superstring theories. To date, no evidence is available to confirm the existence of these extra dimensions. If extra dimensions exist, God must have hidden them from us by some physical mechanism. One well-studied possibility is extra dimensions may be “curled up” at such tiny scales as to be essentially invisible to current experiments. Limits on the size and other properties of extra dimensions are set by particle experiments such as those at the Large Hadron Collider, LHC.
Scientists conducting a mind-bending experiment at the LHC hope to connect with a Parallel Universe outside of our own. [Daily Express]
When fully operational, the LHC will tell us mysteries we may know, and things we may not want to know.
The LHC has just begun …

Future Plans
The Future Circular Collider has already been planned, and is being built. If The Large Electron-Positron Collider (LEP) placed a proverbial magnifying glass over the mysteries of particle physics, and the LHC increased the magnification factor to zoom lens proportions, then the planned FCC aims at developing the sub-atomic window still further by applying the microscopic view necessary to take the science to yet another level. [Tunnel Talk]
This is a huge project. Physicists may be able to achieve all of this, but first, they must construct a huge underground circular collider tunnel, around 100km in length. Associated with this tunnel, there will need to be many shafts, experimental galleries, and massive caverns to hold the equipment. See the figure below to get an idea of what this means.
Fig 1. Underground infrastructure and alignments of the SPS, LEP and LHC collider tunnels
Dimension 24, here we come!!!