Interop 2009 Proves Innovation Going Strong

Although the economy is down, innovation still appears to be strong, with more than 55 exhibitors announcing new products at the Interop Expo. All of the companies and individuals I interviewed at the show, found several things to interest them, or to help their business.

Brett Jay, CEO of Paperless Concepts, a managed services provider, was looking for server software and wireless transmission devices. Brett said “at the Motorola booth, I found technology that goes for miles, that can help with some security surveilance systems we’re working on.”

Paperless Concepts

Mike Hibbs, at CS Stars, in the data center management space, found useful information about best practices for migrating data centers and improvements in power management. Mike said, “We found some things we can take back and do further detailed study on.” Mike said he collected plenty of business cards, and some schwag too!

Mike Hibbs, CS Stars

Rich Kelly, at the Network Professional Association booth says the Association promotes professionalism and ethics amongst their chapter members. Chapters are currently concentrated in Southern California, with new chapters in Canada and across the USA. The Association presented their Professional Excellence and Innovation Awards at the show, and Rich said he was most impressed by Brio Networks’ content filtering.

Network Professional Association

One of the interesting products I saw was BLADE Network Technologies’ new BNT 10-port 10G Ethernet Switch Module for IBM BladeCenter and 1000 virtual port VMready switch for virtual machine aware networking.

DisplayLink showed me their USB graphics-enabled devices that allow Macs, PCs, notebooks and netbooks to easily expand by one or more displays, with cost savings and productivity gains.

iTrinegy showed how their application performance monitor turns any PC into a fully functioning networked application monitoring tool.

Interop 2009 was a great event, thanks to great organization by Interop and Techweb.

See more Interop news at NewsBlaze.

Alan Gray
Alan Gray is the Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of NewsBlaze Daily News and other online newspapers. He prefers to edit, rather than write, but sometimes an issue rears it's head and makes him start hammering away on the keyboard.

Content Expertise

Alan has been on the internet since it first started. He loves to use his expertise in content and digital marketing to help businesses grow, through managed content services. After living in the United States for 15 years, he is now in South Australia. To learn more about how Alan can help you with content marketing and managed content services, contact him by email.

Technical Expertise

Alan is also a techie. His father was a British soldier in the 4th Indian Division in WWII, with Sikhs and Gurkhas. He was a sergeant in signals and after that, he was a printer who typeset magazines and books on his linotype machine. Those skills were passed on to Alan and his brothers, who all worked for Telecom Australia, on more advanced signals (communications). After studying electronics, communications, and computing at college, and building and repairing all kinds of electronics, Alan switched to programming and team building and management.He has a fascination with shooting video footage and video editing, so watch out if he points his Canon 7d in your direction.