Current Remodeling Trends for the Kitchen

Most homeowners know that remodeling projects are a great way to increase the resale value of their home. What they may not realize however, is that they don’t necessarily need to invest in high-end projects and expensive upgrades. In fact, homeowners who remodeled their kitchen saw a higher return by doing minor kitchen remodels instead of major ones. In fact, the higher-end kitchen remodels only brought in a 59% payback, while minor remodeling projects in the kitchen produced an 81% return.

For homeowners who want to take advantage of receiving a higher payback for their kitchen remodels, here are three minor remodeling trends for the kitchen that will help to increase the value of their home.

1. Updating the Cabinets

Cabinets help to define the decor in the kitchen and besides that, they are one of the first things people notice about the kitchen. For these reasons, the cabinets should be a top priority when choosing a minor kitchen remodeling project.

Some simple ways to improve the look of cabinets include resurfacing them, adding additional shelving, or changing their hardware. Even though it might cost more, homeowners who want to add a whole new look may want to consider installing custom kitchen cabinets.

2. Adding a Bay Window

There are many benefits of having a bay window in the kitchen. Because of their larger size and the way they are designed, bay windows let in an abundance of natural light.

Besides making the kitchen look more beautiful, a bay window can help to improve the ventilation in the kitchen while providing a great view of the outdoors. For homeowners who enjoy dining in the kitchen, a bay window will also help to create an inviting dining area.

3. Installing Granite Countertops

Outdated countertops can make the entire kitchen look old and unattractive, which is a good reason for installing new ones. When doing so, homeowners can choose countertops made out of ceramic tile, stainless steel, wood, or concrete. One material that continues to popular for countertops is granite. Besides offering a smooth finish, granite countertops area also durable and easy to clean.

Granite is also available in a variety of colors, making it easy for homeowners to match them to the existing decor and color scheme of the kitchen. For homeowners who might not want granite, but still like the look and feel of natural stone, marble or quartz are also attractive options.

Melissa Thompson
Melissa Thompson writes about a wide range of topics, revealing interesting things we didn't know before. She is a freelance USA Today producer, and a Technorati contributor.