Banks and other financial institutions use your credit score as a sign of how likely you are to be able to pay your debts and the chances of you defaulting on your loans. The Credit Bureau Singapore/CBS credit score is a number based on information from your credit report. The number is between 1,000 and 2,000 and the higher the number is the better. There are a number of myths about credit scores, so here is a look at credit score facts and myths for getting a home loan.
Myth: Your Credit Score Determines If You get Credit
The fact is that lenders might use the credit score to determine your ability to pay off a loan. If you have a good credit score then you could be approved for a loan faster with lower prices and a higher line assignment. Lenders also consider a range of other criteria such as your income, your current relationship with them, your application documents and your risk appetite before deciding if they should give you credit or not. Your credit score itself, however, is not something that will sway the lender.
Myth: You’ll Never Escape a Poor Credit Score
The fact is that it is entirely possible to repair your credit. The credit score offers a snapshot of your current risk. A credit score is not fixed, and changes as new information enters your credit file such as taking a new HDB loan on. Your credit score reflects your history of repayments and changes as you change your credit behaviors. Your credit score improves if you consistently pay your credit card bills on time. Credit repair companies can also help you recover from a bad credit score.
Myth: Applying For New Credit Will Reduce my Score
The fact is that applying for several credit applications in a short amount of time can negatively impact your credit score. Finding and applying for new credit sources equates to higher risk. Remember to enjoy everything in moderation, including credit.
Myth: My Credit Score Impacts Supplementary Card Holders
The fact is that, while a primary card holder is the one that is responsible for the usage and payments of supplementary cards, credit reports only show factual data on the principal cardholder. How supplementary card holders use cards and make repayments will not have any impact on primary cardholders.
Myth: Having a Bad Credit Score Affects my Spouse’s Credit Score
The fact is that if you and your partner hold a joint account, then they could affect a credit score if they are on the credit report. It’s important for each person in a joint account to understand that their repayment behaviors could have an impact on the credit score of the other person in their joint account.
There are many myths out there about credit scores. That’s all they are though; myths. Learn the facts about credit scores before deciding if you can or can’t do something based on your score.