Search engine optimization has enabled companies to direct web traffic to their properties since the rise in popularity of sites like Google two decades ago. SEO is a constantly evolving marketing strategy and the way in which it is utilized today is markedly different than in years past. With each new search algorithm introduced by Google, the approach to SEO changes again. These changes are necessary for sites to remain relevant during Google searches, ensuring that they are still explored by bots and cataloged properly. Currently, artificial intelligence is beginning to impact the way in which marketers will approach SEO in the future.
Advances in artificial intelligence are occurring at rapid paces as developers and the organizations sponsoring them race to be the best and the first to develop AI technologies and then utilize them in their businesses. Artificial intelligence holds a key benefit over prior methods of online marketing since it doesn’t have to use static data collection methods to gather information before making a determination. This will empower a shift in how SEO is implemented as marketers can move from using a collection of keywords and phrases already searched to targeting predictive keywords generated by artificial intelligence.
The shift to AI-empowered SEO marketing will lead to better, stronger algorithms that determine search engine results. For marketers, this represents both a boon and a challenge. First, those changing algorithms represent a daily opportunity to rise in search engine rankings and generate more site visits. Second, however, is that changing algorithms mean that marketers must always be ready to change their properties to accommodate new algorithms. Although this may be an initial challenge, particularly financially, it can also lead to a boon: marketers who themselves employ artificial intelligence can capitalize on software that changes keywords on the go to match what algorithms are currently optimized to find.
Artificial intelligence can also lead SEO marketing to serve up more high-quality content than the keyword-stuffed articles of the past. This is because search engines will be better able to isolate those high-quality articles based on overall form and skillful and judicious use of keywords and raise them to higher rankings than articles that offer no use and will likely only engage readers momentarily before they leave in search of better content found elsewhere. SEO Marketing in the era of artificial intelligence can flip the switch from content intended to capture visits to content that truly engages visitors.