The History of the Voting Age in the United States: Why 18 and Not 16?

The history of the voting age in the United States has been marked by a series of expansions in suffrage rights. While the notion of lowering the voting age to 16 has gained traction in recent years, the journey to the current age of 18 is deeply intertwined with the nation’s historical, social, and political narratives.

Origins of Voting Restrictions

The U.S. Constitution left the determination of voter qualifications to the individual states. Initially, voting was limited to white male property owners aged 21 and older. As a result, suffrage in the young nation was restricted to a relatively narrow segment of the population.

Over time, voting rights expanded. Property qualifications were eliminated, and by the mid-19th century, nearly all white men had the right to vote. The post-Civil War amendments—the 15th, 19th, 24th, and 26th—further expanded suffrage to historically disenfranchised groups, prohibiting voting discrimination based on race, gender, and age for those 18 and older.

The Push for 18

The 26th Amendment, ratified in 1971, lowered the voting age from 21 to 18. This change was not an overnight decision but a culmination of social and political pressures, primarily driven by the Vietnam War. The common protest mantra, “Old enough to fight, old enough to vote,” encapsulated the sentiment of many young Americans who were drafted to serve in a deeply controversial war but were denied a voice in the election of the leaders sending them overseas. The seeming injustice of this situation was palpable.

The movement gained momentum in the late 1960s. Congress attempted to lower the voting age via legislation through the Voting Rights Act of 1970, but this was challenged in the courts. The Supreme Court, in *Oregon v. Mitchell* (1970), gave a divided ruling: Congress could regulate the voting age in federal elections, but not in state or local ones. This potential discrepancy between federal and state voting ages emphasized the need for a constitutional amendment.

Ratified in record time, the 26th Amendment became a testament to the power of youth activism and the nation’s acknowledgment of their rights and sacrifices.

Why Not 16

The push to lower the voting age to 18 was heavily influenced by the draft and the role of 18-year-olds in military service. The connection between military service and full civic participation was powerful and compelling. The debate around lowering the age to 16 does not have a similar, universally resonant argument.

Several points are often raised against lowering the voting age further:

  1. Maturity and Decision-making: Critics argue that 16 and 17-year-olds might lack the necessary maturity and life experience to make informed voting decisions. They believe that at 18, after having potentially lived independently or after high school, individuals have a broader understanding of the world.
  1. Consistency with Other Age Restrictions: The age of 18 is often seen as the threshold of adulthood in the U.S. Most rights and responsibilities, such as serving in the military, signing contracts, or serving on juries, commence at this age. Lowering the voting age without adjusting these other age-related restrictions could create inconsistencies in the legal recognition of adulthood.
  2. Potential for Manipulation: Some believe that younger voters might be more susceptible to influence, whether from peers, teachers, or parents, skewing their independent decision-making.
  3. Historical Precedence: The historical trajectory of the voting age has moved from older ages to 18. The momentum and arguments for that shift were strong and clear-cut, while the arguments for a shift from 18 to 16 have been more diffuse and less universally accepted.

However, proponents for lowering the age to 16 emphasize that many young people work, pay taxes, and are affected daily by government decisions. They argue that civic participation can be a powerful educational tool and that 16-year-olds are as capable of informed voting as their older counterparts.

Several countries and municipalities around the world have lowered the voting age to 16, and there’s an ongoing debate in the U.S. about whether to follow suit. Places like Takoma Park, Maryland, have already made this change for local elections, indicating a potential shift in how the nation perceives the capabilities and rights of its younger citizens.


The decision to fix the U.S. voting age at 18 was a product of its time, influenced by wartime exigencies and social activism. While there’s a growing debate around the merits of reducing it further to 16, such a change would require broad consensus and compelling arguments similar to those that facilitated the ratification of the 26th Amendment. Whether or not this change happens, the conversation underscores the ever-evolving nature of democracy and the ongoing effort to define the boundaries of civic participation.

Adam Torkildson
Adam is a proud American citizen, entrepreneur, 2x founder, father of 2, and married. He considers himself a Constitutional Conservative and loves to golf and read books when he's not running his businesses and writing content.