OKI Group, a Japanese telecommunications manufacturer, recently released its Social and Environmental Report for 2011. The report comes in both English and Chinese language versions. The report describes the environmental protection and CSR-related activities implemented by the OKI Group during the last fiscal year which ended last March 2011.
“In June 2009, the OKI Group decided to combine its Environmental Report, published since 1999 to disclose environment-related information and to clarify our environmental management processes,” says Hisao Suzuki, senior vice president and general manager of OKI’s CSR Division. “Also, its Social Responsibility Report, published since 2005 is [designed] to inform stakeholders of our social efforts through our CSR-related activities, into one document: the ‘Social and Environmental Report’.”
“To report our fiscal year 2010 activities, while we have focused on the website to deliver our policy, system and detailed information, we have decided to follow the same format, which combines the contents of the two previous documents in a more concise and easily understood manner,” Suzuki adds.
OKI structured the report around seven key CSR priority themes and reviewed OKI’s focal points while highlighting achievements under each theme. The report also features five articles under the umbrella title ‘Meeting our CSR commitments.’ It covers five key challenges for the OKI Group in which both its stakeholders and the wider public show an intense interest.
The OKI Group aims to reflect the interest of its stakeholders on the content of the report and endeavor to build further trust with them.
The OKI Group offers products and services that help solve social issues and it manages all processes from product development to delivery. Its manufacturing is characterized by integrating all relevant functions such as sales and marketing, technology development, production and maintenance.
Also in the report, the OKI Group focuses on the following five themes, which it deems important in order to fulfill its social responsibilities.
The themes include contributing to the development of safe and secure social infrastructures, realizing a low carbon society through green IT and CO2 reduction in business activities, managing to support business and societal sustainability, prompt response to increasingly demanding regulations about chemical substances in products, and pursuing sophisticated information security in information society.