The odds are stacked against millennials in various ways.
It may seem odd, but a growing number of businesses simply do not want to hire millennials. Most people know that millennials will soon represent the largest demographic in the United States.
Employers looking to fill necessary positions are going to have to look towards this young generation yet many seem hesitant, which could create a real problem in the country.
Why are Employers Leaving Millennials Behind?
It seems that most employers have heard a lot of bad things about millennials, which is making them hesitant to hire them. Some hear or have noticed that they lack loyalty. This is not necessarily untrue. Most millennials do not stay at a job more than a few months.
Employers find it hard to employ a member of this generation because they might leave soon. Training a new member for a particular job takes time and sacrifice. The employer invests in employees, but millennials do not seem like a good investment.
This generation of employees is outspoken or ‘woke’ and often question their superiors or the way things are done. This seems to make some employers think that millennials are hard to train. Furthermore, it seems that employers think some members of this demographic feel entitled, which leads them to apply for positions they have not earned.
In essence, millennials are dealing with a really bad rap, which is affecting their prospects.
How Millennials are Fighting Back
No matter how much society attempts to fight stereotypes, it seems that people cannot help themselves.
Millennials are starting to feel the weight of a particular stereotype regarding their behavior and work ethics. This does not mean this young generation is taking things lightly because many of them are still finding ways to excel.
This young group seems to be quite savvy and understands what employers need. At the moment, many of these companies are having trouble finding qualified employees to fill certain jobs.
Several millennials are making themselves exceptionally qualified so that employers cannot deny them. This is one reason why many are taking online courses like Allied health courses to fill positions in the industries suffering from employee shortages. Making yourself indispensable is definitely one way to ensure that a position cannot be denied.
There is another group of young job-seekers who are simply creating their own opportunities. Some of these individuals are giving up on business owners who simply do not want to take a chance on them. It should be noted that some employers are actually making it harder for new employees to be hired, even though there is a shortage.
Some of the aforementioned issues is making a good chunk of millennials start their own businesses, which is propelling many of them to take classes online for business administration and web development. The reason these types of classes are popular amongst this young generation is because many of the businesses they start are web-based though not all.
Sure, some of these individuals are going to have a hard time getting these businesses off the ground, especially in this economy, but it seems like many feel they have no choice.
There are a significant number of people who would argue that the rise of the shared economy industry is a result of some of the preconceptions about millennials.
The shared economy creates self-employed individuals who can use things they already own or skills they already have to make additional cash on the side. No one can predict what is going to happen to the job market or how the attitude against millennials is going to change the direction of the economy. Still, like the millennial generation or not, this group of young people are undeniably talented and quite inventive.