Federal Tax ID Numbers, or Employer Identification Numbers are required on all Business Tax Forms such as 1099’s, W-9, & various Tax Reports.
Finding EIN Numbers is an elusive, difficult task in which the IRS often cannot help – but www.FeinSearch.Com offers an easy solution. Calling the company or vendor for their EIN is often fruitless, appears phishy and time consuming.
The simpler solution? Simply search a massive private national FEDERAL TAX ID NUMBER database run by www.FeinSearch.Com, a division of www.RealSearch.Com which offer subscription based EIN Lookups, along with a simple Free Trial. The EIN Lookup Database on Feinsearch.Com allows you to find & view over 15 million of the nation’s largest Employer Identification Numbers.

To Find Tax Id Numbers in Batch, simply email www.FeinSearch.Com IT Team your spreadsheet of vendors, contractors or employees for bulk overnight verification of EIN or SSN Verification; appending of EIN Number is also possible.
Large Corporations are required to report 1099 & W-9 forms as well as Know Your Customer Compliance to Verify EIN and Verify SSN to comply with Federal Laws such as: USA Patriot ACT, GLB Act, IRS 6050 Merchant Reporting, Bank Secrecy Act and Red Flag Rules. Lookup of EIN & Verification of SSN & DOB, while it may sound invasive is an integral part of Anti Money Laundering rules, and anti Terrorist Financing laws. www.Feinsearch.Com & www.Realsearch.Com provides EIN Batching, XML & online verification solutions to small & big Business, Financial, Shipping, Fortune 1,000 and individuals who need info.
www.FEINSearch.Com, the leader in TAX ID Numbers, serves over 265,000 members, providing Verification & KYC / OFAC Compliance solutions such as SSN & EIN Number verification, full background Reports, Criminal searches in 48 states and XML access to over 40 databases at its parent company www.RealSearch.Com. Complete instant Background & Criminal Reports are provided as well as Criminal Records, Public Records & Mug shots.
ABOUT LIBERTY Data & FEINSearch: Liberty Data (www.LibertyData.Net) is the parent corporation over Realsearch.Com & www.Feinsearch.com, and is a minority owned ID Verification, Compliance Data Technology business with over 23 Terabytes of Consumer and Business data searchable online, in bulk or via XML Feeds. Databases are available to business for risk management, employee screening vendor verification & fraud prevention.
FEIN Search.Com – developed by LIBERTY is the nation’s largest ID VERIFICATION & TAX ID Database and is developed and powered by RealSearch.Com
Call www.FeinSearch.com & www.RealSearch.com: 800-299-8280
Media Web Address: www.FeinSearch.com