Betsy Ross
Cheney Warns Obama ‘Don’t Close Gitmo’
Former Vice President Dick Cheney ('weapons of mass destruction' fame in case you had forgotten) did an interview with Michael Falcone of the New York Times.
War Within the U.S: Narco-Terrorism and Mexico’s Drug Cartels
While most of the country is fixated since September on the collapsing U.S. economy and the continued strife in the Middle East, the true threat lies much closer than Americans are aware.
Congress-Obama Spending Package Masked as Stimulus
825 Billion Spending Bill Masked as Stimulus. This is 'change?'
President Obama Takes Decisive Action
An inaugural ballyhoo that was embarrassing in it's excess, courtesy of the American taxpayer's by and large while this country is still engaged in a foreign conflict and whose economy is in the toilet, was only the beginning.