Nehad Ismail

Nehad Ismail is a writer and broadcaster, who writes about issues related to the Middle East from his home in London.

Exclusive articles:

Is Al Jazeera the Real Target of Qatar’s Detractors?

The 13 demands placed by the Saudi coalition via Kuwait, included the closure of Al Jazeera and what it states are publications and websites...

Review of a 2-Day Conference About Tackling Extremism and the Role of Turkey in the Region

The Venue: University of Cambridge, Cambridge University Centre, Granta Place, Cambridge A team of global experts came together to launch a new centre aimed at...

Is Walid Jumblatt the Lebanese Druze Leader Next on Assad’s Assassination List?

According to Lebanese media sources a Lebanese Judge indicted two men last week for planning to assassinate Progressive Socialist Party leader Walid Jumblatt at...

Family of Marie Colvin Sues Assad for War Crimes

Just as the family of Marie Colvin has sued Assad for war crimes, the family of Dr. Abbas Khan must do the same. The Syr­ian...

Signing of Nuclear Deal and Lifting of Sanctions Will Not Change Iran’s Behaviour

The following are the words of the US Deputy National Security advisor Ben Rhodes - "Iran has not altered its posture on the global...


How Cloud-based Tools Enhance Collaboration Across Partner Ecosystems

In today's interconnected business landscape, effective collaboration across partner...

We Must Finally Say Farewell To The UN

The United Nations Organization (UN) headquarters building stands tall...

The Red Cross AWOL On Israel

The Red Cross AWOL On Israel AWOL means, 'Absent Without...

“Palestinians”: The West Bought What The Arabs Sold

The West bought all the Arab fakeness, to its core, especially the "Palestinians" subterfuge.