
Israel, Yes, You Can: The Knockout

In a war one must fight. Abbas plays the long game, while the world reacts to the effects of his lies. Time to fight Abbas, and Israel-yes, you can!

Why Have We Forgotten Where We Are, Who We Are?

The Nation of Israel, identity of the land is like a personal ID card that all Israelis must remember and maintain.

Revival of King David’s Shield

An amazing and meaningful exhibition at Sinai Temple in Los Angeles. A Magen David should be hung on every Jewish home just like a Mezuzah.

The Youth Intifada: Palestinians Bred For Destruction

This is a religious war, to exterminate the Jews and create a land free of Jews. Does that sound familiar? Go back eight decades, the similarities are striking.

The First Sunday in October

Ari Bussel, with Jewish and Druze friends visits at Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem at Christ Church, near Jaffe Gate, in the Old City of Jerusalem.


