Republican strategists are anxious to explore the possible candidacy of far-left liberal Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA). Her reputation is not as toxic as poster child House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, but her reputation is beginning to precede her.
The abundant opportunities to change all that are enticing. She is the perfect candidate in the strategist minds to face President Trump in the 2020 election. Her ultra-liberal agenda is an ideal target for an otherwise moderately conservative electorate.
Warren is the type of candidate who could seriously harm others running under the banner of the Democratic Party next year. The Republican National Committee, the National Republican Senatorial Committee and Republican-aligned groups such as American Rising are testing out the depths of anti-Warren sentiment.
The Democrats are in the midst of a takeover by the far-left. Their fundraising ability and the deep pockets of Northeast “limousine liberal” elites and the Hollywood entertainment industry propel a candidate like her into the thick of the 2020 race. She has instantly become the fresh face of extreme liberalism to replace the regularly-used San Franciscan, Nancy Pelosi.
Such an undertaking will force vulnerable moderate Democrats to declare whether they side with Ms. Warren on some of her most liberal causes. RNC spokesman Rick Gorka described the process; “Just like Nancy Pelosi, Elizabeth Warren is deeply unpopular with voters and her policies are out of step with a vast majority of Americans, and we think that will be an effective way to brand vulnerable Democrats,” he said.
Sen. Warren’s campaign assistance with Democratic candidates in the 2018 election will go a long way towards her viability in 2020. If her avowed extreme populism gains seats, she will be the frontrunner. Bernie Sanders is a bit too old and she is the perfect candidate to replace him.
Warren is able to excite the far-left base. She could very well do the same in 2020. But the Republicans will define that popularity and where it derives from. Will it be palatable to a majority of the country’s voter base?
Republicans should be asking themselves one important question. Do they want to deface her ultra-liberal image too much, too soon? The likelihood of Americans in 2020 electing a far-left populist is highly remote.