Crossfire War – BEIJING WATCH – Eurasia Theatre: Delhi – Tokyo/Tehran – Islamabad – Beijing; India Accuses China of Illegally Occupying Part of Kashmir – Indian PM Singh Heads to Japan for Discussion on Range of Topics
Night Watch: DELHI – With the recent claim by Beijing’s Ambassador, during a televised interview, that India’s northeast province of Arunachal Pradesh is Chinese territory, Delhi has instituted serious measures to prepare for Beijing’s next attack, which could be coordinated with the fourth war between Delhi and Islamabad, with Tehran also entering it. First Delhi sent the Air Force Chief to Myanmar (Burma) perhaps to see if they could receive permission to use the country’s airbases to attack China’s units and military bases. And now India Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is to visit Tokyo from December 14 – 16 and meet with Japan Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. [IRNA]
In a written letter to India’s Rajya Sabu (Upper House) in Parliament, External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee stated that China has been in illegal occupation of approximately 38,000 square kilometers of Jammu-Kashmir. He further stated that the 1963 Sino-Pakistan Boundary Agreement in which Islamabad agreed to cede 5,180 square kilometers of Indian Territory to China was also illegal. The area had been part of Kashmir controlled by Islamabad. The Minister added that Beijing claims approximately 90,000 square kilometers of territory in the Eastern Sector and Beijing also claims 2,000 square kilometers of the Middle Sector.
With that in mind India Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is heading to Tokyo for a three-day working visit, December 14 – 16. “I see this journey as part of the increasing eastern orientation of India’s foreign policy and our quest for greater engagement with the countries in the larger East Asia region.” Singh is to meet with Japan Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and they are scheduled to discuss the entire range of Japan-India cooperation from the economy to security threats. Since Beijing has re-introduced its territorial claims to parts of India security will top the agenda. [XINHUA]
On Jan. 30, 2005, reported the visit to Delhi by Japan former Defense Minister Shigera Ishiba in which he referred to India as an “invaluable ally” and that India-Japan should watch China closely. He also mentioned their could be interaction between Japanese and Indian military forces, combined operations. Their watching has monitored Beijing’s statements and preparations to enforce its territorial claims as both capitals have for years watched the massive advanced weaponry exports Beijing has made to Tehran and shipping to Riyadh its CSS-2 missiles. Moscow has now re-asserted its control over Pyongyang, which virtually eliminates any future exports from there. However, Beijing still has some offensive units, which can be part of a joint offensive along with Islamabad-Tehran-Kabul-Dakha against India. Arunachal Pradesh was where heavy combat took place when China invaded India in October 1962. Delhi-Tokyo have now shifted from watching to planning.
The next terrorist attack on India, either in Kashmir or elsewhere on the subcontinent, could begin the international chain reaction causing World War III to become (f)allout in the South Asia theatre. Bloomberg news today has reported, according to Israeli intelligence, that Al-Qaeda is planning a terrorist attack on the Indian city of Goa, which is on the Arabian Sea south of Mumbai. Why Tehran is targeting Goa I don’t know, perhaps it is religiously significant. Any attack on religious sites whether Muslim or Hindu could set off religious rioting across the country causing more instability. When Al-Qaeda announced their having established a base in Kashmir, they praised the Mumbai train bombings in July.
Access to Indian markets and international shipping routes around India is part of Japan’s economic lifeline, which is just as strategic as their access to the Persian Gulf.