Tag: Jewish

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Catholic Church Must Take a Stand Against Anti-Semitism

Too often the leaders of the Church seem to set aside the hard cold fact that Jesus was a Jewish man, living a Jewish life.

La MAMA E.T.C. To Reprise Dance-theater Rendition ‘Golem’

In a featured presentation of its 50th Anniversary season, La MaMa E.T.C. will reprise 'Golem' by Czechoslovak-American Marionette Theatre (CAMT), a dance-theater rendition of the famed Jewish legend, from November 17 to December 4, 2011.

Passajj Productions Presents ‘Moses, My Love’ By Paul Dick on October 14

'Moses, My Love,' a romantic musical of the Exodus story by veteran composer/playwright Paul Dick, will be presented October 14 to 30, 2011 by Passajj Productions at Roy Arias Theatres, 300 W 43rd Street, Manhattan.

Dishonesty: Good Ethics Make Good Politicians

There is something wrong when elected officials who receive very nice salaries, wonderful pensions and enviable working conditions (from free phone calls to computers to staff and office etc. etc. etc. as the list is very long indeed), ask for money

Life During Wartime Film Review

Life during Wartime also revolves around a 12 year-old (Dylan Riley Snider) studying for his bar mitzvah, but the dystopia in which he is immersed is far more bizarre than anything in the Coen's relatively comical adventure.


We Must Finally Say Farewell To The UN

The United Nations Organization (UN) headquarters building stands tall...

The Red Cross AWOL On Israel

The Red Cross AWOL On Israel AWOL means, 'Absent Without...

“Palestinians”: The West Bought What The Arabs Sold

The West bought all the Arab fakeness, to its core, especially the "Palestinians" subterfuge.

FDA Drug Reviewer Alerts New Administration to Agency Misconduct and Prescription Drug Dangers

Former FDA drug reviewer Ron Kavanagh, BS Pharm, PharmD,...

