Over the past few days, there has been a lot of seismic activity around the world, including right at the north pole. There have been events as large as 5.1, around the Pacific, pointing to possible coming events around New Zealand.
This is a step up from the usual lighter activity.
Some of the earthquake activity is taking place very close to volcanoes, some of which have been dormant for a very long time. As well as volcanoes, oilfields and fracking areas are vulnerable. These are relatively shallow and if they see activity, that is an indication the seismic events are coming up.
There were two sets of deep quakes around 6.0, equivalent to a 7.0, according to seismic watcher, Dutchsinse on youtube. These were just north of New Zealand.

It appears that the seismic unrest is spreading, and it points to a large event in New Zealand, so New Zealanders will do well to be prepared, in case the forecast comes true. Likewise, Islands off the northeast coast of Australia, Fiji and the Solomon islands should be aware there could be tsunami activity.
According to Dutch, within 7-10 days of a large deep earthquake, there is often a large event closer to the surface. His warning was two days ago now, so these larger events could be imminent.
In the past two days, the spate of 5.1 quakes north of New Zealand, across New Guinea, Indonesia, over to Nepal, up the coast of China to Japan and across to Alaska looks alarming. This displacement was a flow-on from the deeper larger quake. Note that a 7.7 quake hit Indonesia in 2010.
Dutch suggests that the deep 7, north of New Zealand could reasonably be expected to generate a shallower 6.0, if not more. In fact, it could be a mid-range 7, right on the plate boundary, near where the mega-quake his around three months ago.
The islands to the west of the deep 7 could actually experience a quake two magnitudes larger, he suggests.
Most worrying is the fact the in the past 24 hours, there has been no movement around the site of the deep 7. That could mean it is over, but it seems more likely that a much larger shock is coming.
All across Europe, there were 4.0 and 4.2 quakes in the past few says. Dutch suggests Turkey will bear the brunt of the next event, at least magnitude 5. He says “a new round of fractures are getting ready to come in across southern Europe. When a midrange 5 strikes in Western Turkey, it will only be a matter of time before two 4.5-size earthquakes strike Romania and Italy.”
This could be expected within the next 48 hours for Turkey, and 72-hours for Romania and Italy. Smaller quakes will radiate to northers France and the English Channel. These are likely to be a full magnitude less than in Italy.
In the U.S. northwest, an “earthquake swarm” has taken place over the past few days, a lot of small movement, small magnitude seismic events. This radiated into Washington State where there were 3.0 and 4.0 events.
Government seismologists believe a slow-slip event is under way off northern California. After a slow-slip event, a large earthquake may follow. That is what happened in Japan in 2011.
Note that in 2011, there was a lot of activity around the supervolcano in Yellowstone.
I will be watching for more reports, to see if the predicted stronger event takes place.