In 2010, the Saskatchewan Government created a bounty on coyotes, paying $20.00 per coyote. A total of 71,000 coyotes were turned in, making the payout reach nearly 1.5 million dollars. However, in areas of Saskatchewan, farming communities still suffer from coyote over-population problems and livestock loss.
Every year in the province of Saskatchewan, many livestock producers lose thousands of dollars in livestock due to coyote problems. Due to coyote predators, the financial loss for one calf is ultimately between $600.00 to $1,200.00 per calf. The value of other livestock, such as horses, can fluctuate into higher numbers. Coyotes will also kill pets and livestock, such goats.
According to 2001 statistics, Saskatchewan had 44, 329 farmers farming an average of 1,450 acres each. It is important to keep in mind that small acreages – 40 acres and less – are not considered farms, and it is reasonable to say that the animals on those acreages were not considered part of farming operations. From this number, 24.3% of farmers in the province are livestock producers – about a quarter of all farmers. A quick estimated calculation (on the low end) shows that about 10,000 farmers are livestock producers.
Due to predators, mainly the coyote, a low estimate for livestock loss can reasonably be said to average $2,000.00 per year per farmer becoming a $20 million dollar loss for livestock producers each year in Saskatchewan. Even by cutting this low estimated loss by half to $10 million still results in a lot of lost income to support farming families in one year.
In 2007, the Regina Leader Post reported that the average Saskatchewan farmer makes a meager $17,000.00 per year – working year round with longer hours and making less money.
Considering that 71,000 coyotes were killed in Saskatchewan in 2010, areas are still grossly over-populated. In 2010, Saskatchewan Crop Insurance also initiated a program to compensate livestock producers for livestock loss due to coyotes. Certain steps need to be taken, such as proof – the animal owner needs to locate and preserve the kill site and remaining carcass the best they can and call an adjuster. Then, professional coyote hunters can be called with Crop Insurance covering the expenses. It can be a difficult process, for various reasons, but it is an option. Contact your local Saskatchewan Crop Insurance for further information.
As Saskatchewan farmers can also legally opt to protect their families and livestock – it’s open season on coyotes and a license is not required to shoot them. To confirm what you can do about coyote over-population in your area and for further information, contact your local Conservation Officers with your questions.