Cocktail Ideas for Your Next Party

Straight liquor isn’t for everyone. Most people want something with a little flavor along with their alcohol. Some drinks are classics but aren’t the most exciting. If someone wants to spice up their next party, they may want to try one of these cocktails.

1. Blackberry Bourbon Smash

A person will need a few fresh blackberries and some mint leaves. Another ingredient is fresh lemon juice from at least one-half of a lemon. To sweeten this drink, it’s best to use a tablespoon or two of honey. This drink gets bourbon. It’s advisable to use two ounces per glass, but the maker of this drink may want to add more or less based on personal preference and what he or she believes the guests would enjoy. Someone might want to garnish the rim of the glass with a bit of lime zest and granulated sugar.

2. Bazaar Bloody Maria

This is a bit of a spin on a classic. It starts with about two ounces of tequila, which Drizly has a selection of. It consists of about 75 ounces of lemon juice, but this amount is flexible based on personal taste. Next, the drink has three dashes of Bittermans Hellfire Bitters, five dashes of horseradish tincture, salt, and pepper. This cocktail also gets water and Worcestershire sauce. Additionally, the maker should add various tomatoes and seasonings to enhance the taste and visual appeal. These include the following:

  • Orange tomatoes with habanero
  • Red tomatoes with pinch Piri Piri
  • Green tomatoes with Zaatar
  • Yellow tomatoes with saffron

Sloe Gin

This particular cocktail is comprised of sloe gin, lemon juice, and gin. One must start making this drink by creating a juniper syrup. A juniper syrup is made by adding water and juniper berries and cooking them along with sugar in a saucepan. These ingredients must come to a boil.

Once they do, the maker of this drink should use a potato masher to smash the berries into the liquid. Once the berries are squashed, an individual should leave the pot off of the heat to cool. After it’s completely cold, it needs to be stored in a sterile jar or bottle. When ready to make this drink, one should mix this solution into approximately 50 milliliters of sloe gin, 25 milliliters of gin, and 25 ml of lemon juice. It’s best to serve it over either crushed or cubed ice.

Melissa Thompson
Melissa Thompson writes about a wide range of topics, revealing interesting things we didn't know before. She is a freelance USA Today producer, and a Technorati contributor.