WordPress is more than just a blogging tool. Being one of the most sought after and popular CMS, the number of websites powered by it far exceeds 76 million (a figure that was recorded way back in 2015).
As such, it is being assumed that this figure has escalated by leaps and bounds given the fact that it is being used extensively these days for a number of websites belonging to different niches.
Why you should opt for WordPress as an entrepreneur.
Why has it won so much popularity? There are valid reasons for the same and this is exactly what has been discussed in this write up. So, let us explore these very reasons.
- Flexibility
Since it boasts of a number of extensions and features, this is one platform that will allow you to use it not just for your business needs but also for your personal blogs.
- Free of cost
The fact that the CMS comes free of cost is one of the biggest factors that made it so popular amongst the business sector as well as individuals using the platform. Being an open source, it offers the provision to change the source code depending on the requirement.
- Preferred by search engines
It has been observed that those websites that are “powered” by WordPress are preferred by search engines. One of the main reasons is that this particular platform is easier to crawl.
- Can be customized
The fact that there are several themes and plug-ins offered by WordPress makes it customizable. The best part is that you don’t have to know rocket science to customize your website but you can do so just with a click of a button. Accordingly, you can also alter the functions as and when required. Depending on the type of website you are developing, there are innumerable themes to select from.
- User friendly
One of the other reasons for its popularity is that it is easy to use. It is intuitive and you don’t have to invest in hiring the services of a professional to set up a blog or a website for you or your business. As an individual, you can do it yourself and as an entrepreneur, your in-house team members can use it judiciously without having to outsource the task to a third party.
- Compatible with mobiles
These days, desktop users have reduced greatly in number. According to Google’s mobile-first indexing, it has become even more important to have mobile friendly websites.
In fact, many individuals access WordPress even on other hand held devices if they just have internet connectivity. However, WordPress already has this feature. It is mobile friendly. Most importantly, there are several themes that are also responsive.
- Creating community
Owing to the fact that this content management system is equipped with plug-ins and other features, with WordPress, it is easier to set up a community. Also, there is provision for commenting in the comments section if you want to keep it interactive.
- Managing is easy
For the sake of security, WordPress has “built-in updater.” In order to keep you informed about updates, this content management system will notify you when there are updates related to plug-ins as well as themes. Since you receive constant updates, your website is not just secured but also updated on a regular basis.
Last but not the least; it is effective if you are using it for your E-commerce business. With plug-ins like Shopp, WooCommerce, you can use a number of E-commerce solutions and make your existing blog or website a so called “digital store.”