Michael Evan Salley Shares 7 Internal Communication Tips for Businesses

A business relies on effective internal communications for successful daily and long-term operations. Messages and policy directives must be clearly conveyed between team members at every organizational level. In this article, Michael Evan Salley shares seven effective tips to help improve a business’s internal communications.

  1. Lead by Example

Talk with and listen to your employees as part of your daily routine. Emphasize direct contact with you whenever possible, and use online communication when you cannot connect personally. Develop the habit of asking team members how they are doing on their projects and get their perspectives on daily operations as often as possible. People naturally want to be heard, and when you set the example of being an open communicator, you will see positive results in your organization.

  1. Segment The Organization for Specific Communications

Some messages should go to every member of an organization, with feedback requested from the entire group. More commonly, messages should target a specific audience. The management team should be involved in mapping out the different groups that need to be part of certain types of communications, and who the members of each group should be. Every staffer will benefit from receiving only the messages that are important and relevant to their mission.

  1. Specify the Tools that Should Be Used for Internal Communications

Depending on the size and scope of the business, one should choose whether written communications should be handled by email, chat software, text messages, or some combination. Establishing a solid policy on the types of communication methods that are proper and allowed for internal communication will promote reliable responses and acknowledgements. An organization’s communications records will also be more secure and more accessible.

  1. Follow an Open-Door Policy Regarding Direct Communication

It is vital to remember that many people are hesitant about communicating with their supervisors or a company’s CEO. This may not be apparent, but the anxiety people have can easily cause them to avoid direct communications. This deprives managers of information about the business and can cut executives out of the loop on important issues. Take positive steps to promote an open-door policy that will make every team member comfortable with coming forward to discuss whatever is on their mind.

  1. Promote Personal Relationships

Many CEOs take the approach that employee lunch periods or time spent in the break room are wasted time (and wasted money) for a company. The time that employees spend together talking about things not related to work can go a long way in building relationships that lead to greater teamwork and interdependence, though. It is important to give employees some freedom to get to know each other while still focusing on their work; this will ensure happier and more productive team members.

  1. Use Online Meetings When Possible

Meetings for the sake of meetings can be a real drag on an organization’s time and efficiency. When meetings are necessary, make them short and sweet to the extent possible. When in-person meetings are replaced with online collaboration, the team members who would benefit least from in-person meetings can focus on more productive efforts. Also, the participants in online meetings are more likely to maximize the value of what they add to the conversation.

  1. Look for an Online Project Management Software Program that Works Best for Your Company

There are a multitude of online project management tools available, with more being developed and distributed all the time. These tools help manage independent projects of all different sizes and scope while keeping every relevant team member appraised of the status of the project in real-time. Rather than relying only on in-person communication, online project management can keep things moving along effectively while helping document the work being done on a given project.

About Michael Evan Salley

Michael Evan Salley holds a Master’s degree in Construction Science and a Bachelor’s Degree in Exercise Science. His experience as a project manager is invaluable for any construction company in search of effective leadership. Michael possesses a strong work ethic and believes in doing things right every time. He is a results-driven problem solver looking forward to taking on new challenges and achieving team goals.

teamwork concept
Teamwork concept. Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash
Melissa Thompson
Melissa Thompson writes about a wide range of topics, revealing interesting things we didn't know before. She is a freelance USA Today producer, and a Technorati contributor.