Christopher Vietorisz
The Ethical Disconnect of Retailers and Shoppers
A look at the ethical disconnect in the minds of retailers and shoppers as to the ethical impacts of the products they produce and purchase, and a solution proposed to remedy the disconnect.
Facebook, Google, and The Prevalance of Modern Day Slavery
A look at Facebook's and Google's potential culpability for slavery worldwide due to not having 'dislike' or '-1' buttons.
Why Doesn’t Facebook Have a ‘Dislike’ Button?
A look at the effect of our tendency to ignore the positive aspects of matters of concern, and a call to spread awareness of a petition to Facebook, Google, and others to allow us the right to 'dislike' and '-1' matters of concern to us.
Trend Towards New Movement in Anti-Establishment Art
A look at what might be a new trend in anti-establishment, ethics-focused art, and the potentially positive effects thereof. Is society itself becoming a post-modernist's art gallery?
Crowd Wisdom and Sustainability
This is a first part or introduction of a column of articles that will follow the author through day-to-day happenstance interacting with companies, products, and policy.