
Stand Your Ground Turns Criminal Law On Its Head

Gun crimes continue to be a problem and a sore spot for law enforcement and political opportunists in the country. Guns, the tools of...

How to Select a Lawyer for Your Medical Negligence Claim

It sounds like you need a good medical negligence attorney. Choosing the right one for this type of claim involves much more than identifying a lawyer who has a solid reputation.

Saving A Dog Shouldn’t Be A Crime

Earlier this month, it was reported by Fox News that an Ohio man was facing criminal charges after attempting to save a dog and...

Why Are Gun-Rights Lawyers Hiding From 9th Circuit Open Carry Decision?

It has been three weeks since a three-judge panel published a decision in Young v. Hawaii which held that the right to openly carry...

National Legal Staffing Support LLC Team Helps Reshape Legal Industry

The steadily increasing demand for legal services coupled with the advancement of information and communication technologies is reshaping the legal industry and the National...


