
Israel’s Righteous War Against Hamas, Mudded by World’s Yardstick

The world does not respect Jewish life so Israel is involved in a righteous war to crush Hamas, the Iranian proxy.

Iran Unable to Match Israel’s Intelligence

The Mullahs in Iran declared war on Israel in particular and the West in general. They failed the most important component in this war, which is Israel's ntelligence.

Israel Faces a New Type of Judicial Reform Effort

This new type of Judicial Reform effort comes from the citizenry of Israel who have earned their right to stand up.

Israel Existential Struggle: Only Jewish Settlement of Gaza Will Bring Security

The people of Israel are fighting against a murderous enemy that has lost every bit of human image and this must be the focal...

1695 – 2024, Arabs Have No Claim to Palaestina or Palestine

Arabs Have No Claim to Palaestina or Palestine We are launching a war of international scope of awareness in public opinion, a war for the...


