Camp Liberty

Iran Elections: Divisions Deepen, Troubles Escalate

As divisions deepen and troubles escalate, the establishment controlled by Khamenei will falter. 2016 will prove crucial for Iran, especially this election/selection.

Iraq: Camp Liberty Residents Protest Rights Violations, Lack of Security

Protesters in Camp Liberty raised placards emphasizing the responsibilities of the UN and US, and called for action to stop prison-making measures.

Relatives of PMOI Members in Camp Liberty Arrested in Iran

Iranian regime intelligence agents arrested Ms. Fatemeh Rezvani and Ms. Azar Karvandi, who have relatives living in Camp Liberty who are members of PMOI.

Women Refugees Rally to Stop Inhuman Siege in Camp Liberty

In the empty rocky street that passes through Camp Liberty, I saw women in the cold, with placards, in a picket line next to their trailers destroyed in the rocket attack.

Obama Signs Amendment to Protect Camp Liberty Residents

The annual US defense policy bill includes a 7 point amendment on security and protection of Camp Liberty residents, 24 of whom were killed in a deadly missile attack.


