
America’s Cup 2013 Telemetry

If you are a sailor and a techie then you probably wish you were right on the boats. Here's the next best thing.

Mayweather Defeats Alvarez By Majority Decision

Celebrities who attended this fight were Denzil Washington, Jack Nicholson, Magic Johnson,Lizzy Caplan, Rosie Perez,LL Cool Jay,Don Chendle, Lil Wayne and Justin Beaver among others.

The America’s Cup 2013 Updates

Can't get enough of the race? Here's a link to the official twitter feed and definitions of some special terms.

America’s Cup Defense, 2013

Anyone who thought the rules of American football were complex should avoid racing boats at all costs. But this year's action in San Francisco Bay has been exciting even if you don't know your windward from your leeward.

Hong Kong Dragon Boat Festival Lights Up New York

From across North America, serious dragon boat teams come to New York City to test their training and skills in both traditional wooden or fiberglass canoe-like crafts. But this Dragon Boat event is not just for the pros.


