The buzz in Washington and around the country is what President-elect Donald Trump will do in his first 100 days in office. The traditional “honeymoon” period for newly elected presidents can be limiting, especially in the most contentious election in US history.
There are seven likely topics to be addressed as quickly as possible if any goodwill from the other side of the aisle exists. Trump is a pragmatic businessman and his personal lobbying for his first acts as president will most likely include members of his inner-circle and new cabinet members.
Here is a list of probable issues to be priority on the Trump agenda:
- Nominating a Supreme Court Justice: The Republican-led senate was successful in blocking President Obama’s choice for the seat throughout the fall campaign. Trump provided the media with a list of probable selection choices. They included the names of jurists who have a record of abiding by the Constitution and are conservative. Odds are Trump will have little problem setting the Court on a path of conservatism for the next 25-years. The Court has tilted to conservative decisions since the Nixon era.
- Balancing the Budget: Will Trump announce a tax reduction for most Americans as soon as January and will he follow through on his campaign promise to reduce corporate income taxes to 15 percent in his quest to encourage American corporations to come back to this country and hire American workers. This is an issue that resonates from the stunning defeat of Hillary Clinton and the staggering economy and unemployment.
- Strengthen the Military: During the eight-years of Obama rule, the military is at its lowest strength since before WWI. Trump has pledged to up the Pentagon’s annual budget and rebuild American military strength to its peak during the Reagan years (1981-89). Will the Democrats balk at such a request? They probably will not to any extent. They have bigger fish to fry on the Trump calendar.
- Replace Obamacare: Trump will not ask Congress for a full repeal. In a quest to seek an olive branch with die-hard Obama supporters, this is an emotional issue. Whatever Trump proposes, there will be a large number of Democratic opponents. He has already said pre-conditions for health insurance will stay in the law along with insurance through parents until age 26. This could be a protracted fight if too many lawmakers feel he is going too far.
- Protect the US from ISIS terrorism: Trump once said during the debates and throughout the campaign that the strategic mission with ISIS is to take their oilfields and cut off their money supply. Taking the oilfields will most likely entail US ground troops in some capacity far larger than Obama’s solution of limited military personnel used as “advisors” and not combat troops. Trump will most likely ask congress to increase the budget of federal investigative agencies, FBI, Homeland Security, NSA, CIA, etc. There will also be a call for more NATO cooperation and an increase in their anti-terrorism activities.
- Social Security Solvency: This may be the trickiest issue Trump faces aside from the budget and immigration. For decades the presidents and Congress have spouted their ideas and pros and cons. Experts say Social Security will go bankrupt with the baby-boomers (1947-1960) now at retirement age in the millions. All lawmakers know any solution will affect millions, who depend on their check, but something has to give and one the entitlement, but where does the money to save it come from? It is sure to be an issue that rattles many lawmakers’ cages with their home state’s demeanor on the changes.
- Building the southern border wall: Donald Trump, from his very first speech in June, 2015 declared he would “build the wall and Mexico will pay for it.” Earlier this year Trump visited the Mexican president in Mexico City. It is unknown what was said about this issue, but his later news conference called it “a constructive meeting.” Shortly after, he gave a speech in Arizona restating his call for the wall and Mexico will pay. Odds are this rhetoric was for red meat distribution. Trump will build the wall in certain areas of the long border, but the word “fences” seems more likely for a majority of the border. There will be beefed-up numbers for the Border Patrol and advanced technology combined. In terms of those already here illegally, look for a call to round up the criminals, felons, rapists, etc for immediate deportation or prison. It could be in the number of two million illegals. With the immigration anger, it is hard to see many lawmakers opposing this kind of issue. It won’t go down easy with each insider’s opposition in their states, especially those bordering on Mexico including Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California.
Look for Trump to make the national budget, replacing Obamacare in separate pieces and illegal immigration to top his first 100 day agenda. But I suspect ISIS is reeling from a Trump election and fear their days as a fighting force may be over quickly.
Unlike Barack Obama, Trump is keeping his cards close to the vest on ISIS. As he said over and over, “General Patton and MacArthur would roll over in their graves to see how the campaign against ISIS is telegraphed before the proposed military action occurs.”
I think the American people should clearly understand that this billionaire real estate mogul usually gets his way and will delegate the authority to do so to his hand-picked professionals who grasp his ideas and follow through. This is not your Obama administration in any way, shape or form.