No Love Lost Between Trump and Obama

Do not be fooled by appearances. President Trump and former President Barrack Obama have not spoken since their handshake at the inauguration last January...

Dating and True Love in the 21st Century: Can You Find it?

Gone are the days when dating and finding true love was simple. Well, never really simple, but you didn't find your true love on...

North Koreans Continue To Launch Missiles Into Sea of Japan

Dictator Kim Jong Un of North Korea is becoming more than the usual nuisance to the Trump administration. His persistent bad behavior is rapidly...

Trump White House Much Like Corporate Boardroom for Decisions

Former President Barack Obama did not have one cabinet member that came from the private sector. President Trump has brought the boardroom with him...

6 Issues Young People Face Today

Although young people are often castigated as lazy, indifferent, materialistic, or irresponsible by an older generation, this is a description of the effects, not...


