Sunday, May 31, 2020, Los Angeles, California – Twenty eight years later, Los Angeles, is in a déjà vu 1992 Rodney King Los Angeles riots.
This time the riots started in Minneapolis, Minnesota, after the policeman Derek Chauvin, pressed his knee hard, for a long 8 minutes 46 seconds, on the neck of unarmed black man George Floyd and caused Mr. Floyd’s death.
First, the protesting crowd in Minneapolis called for immediate justice for Mr. Floyd; but those protests turned into violent riots, led by what appears to be an Antifa mob and their likewise mentality comrades, that spread to some 30 USA cities, among them Los Angeles.

The looting and destruction we have been seeing these past few days has nothing to do with claiming justice for Mr. Floyd. His case – the big-headed and dangerous conduct by a policeman – has been lost, justice for him has been tainted by the forces of chaos, violence and destruction that are looting stores and burning neighborhoods.
Mayor Eric Garcetti is the failed Los Angeles mayor who has no control over the city he presides over. Garcetti proved his total failure to manage the city and having no control over it by last night calling for an immediate overnight city curfew.
On my morning walk-jog routine, on Pico Blvd., Los Angeles, at 8:13 AM I passed by Mr. Hooshmand’s Antique Watches stores that was looted last night. The looters left the store’s front window shattered, the security metal grid totally bent out of shape, so the looters could enter the store, and inside the store, there was simply mayhem.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, for the past three months Newsome and Garcetti have irrationally locked Californians in their homes with irrational restrictions that have caused society to build-up anxiety and pent-up tantrum; in his irrational and putdown attitude toward the city residents in this most difficult time, Garcetti he has put padlocks on the city of Los Angeles.
Posted by Nurit Greenger on Sunday, May 31, 2020
The anarchists arrived at their chosen looting spots, this one Wilshire Blvd. Beverly Hills, in fancy cars and looting equipment – Social media video.
The black people community’s standard claim that the police force treats them unfairly and unjustly, the COVID-19 harm all around to the way of life of the citizens along with the injection into the protests of out-of-state Antifa members and their like, who arrived in Los Angles to cause violence and havoc, is a formula for destruction.

Once such riots take place, it is inevitable to see the Nazi Swastika symbol appearing somehow, somewhere, since the violent rioters see themselves in the same category of the Nazis and fascists who are beholden to the murder of millions.
I will say to Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcettit and his counterpart Governor Gavin Newsom: “you have failed as leaders, you have failed as managers, you have failed as communicators, and you are unfit for the job you may or may have not have legally earned.”
Resign; that will be the first good step forward in the healing process.

I will add one more aspect to the state of the union today, May-June 2020: The Trump derangement syndrome (TDS) is the prelude to Antifa.
The fact that we are raising generations who do not know the American constitution, who do not understand patriotism, nationalism is American society’s downturn. The fact that we have created a diverse society, a society of minorities, instead of adhering to the E Pluribus Unum, in Latin, “Out of many, one” and we have taken God out of our schools and out of many parts of our life is the cause of the mob we see today that is not seeking justice, rather, the destruction of our neighborhoods, our way of life and instilling fear of society coming apart.