50th Polish American Heritage Night Hosted by Detroit Tigers

Polish American Heritage Night Tradition

Polish American Heritage Night has been a highlight of the baseball season in Detroit since 1971. Now celebrating for the 50th year, it is a solid tradition. In 2021 Detroit plays at Comerica Park against the New York Yankees.

Wally Ozog is coordinating this game. Ozog is Emeritus Vice-President of the Polish Roman Catholic Union of America (PRCUA) headquartered in Chicago, IL.

Fans were able to get a special ticket package that sends a donation to the Polish Roman Catholic Union of America #1593 Scholarship Fund as well as the game ticket.

Commemorative Booklet

JoAnne Ozog has coordinated a 104-page commemorative booklet which is available for $25. Christopher Ozog was the editor and publisher. Copies are available from the St. Stan’s Scholarship Fund: 30214 Woodhouse Drive, Warren, Michigan 48092.

The 50th event is also a family event for the Ozog family. A 104-page commemorative booklet is available for $25, coordinated by JoAnne Ozog.

The commemorative booklet was edited and published by Christopher Ozog. Chris Ozog was emcee for the 46th Polish American Heritage Night.

Fans can get copies of the commemorative booklet from the St. Stan’s Scholarship Fund at 30214 Woodhouse Drive, Warren, Michigan 48092.

Polish American Heritage Night Dancers. Photo by Lars Hjelmroth
Polish American Heritage Night Dancers. Photo by Lars Hjelmroth

The Polish Roman Catholic Union of America (PRCUA) is the oldest Polish American insurance fraternal in America. Founded in 1873 in the spirit of brotherhood, it helped Polish immigrants to come together to support each other and also to support Polish culture in Detroit and America.

50th Anniversary Game

A special 50th anniversary game tee-shirt is also available at the game and before the game.

Robert Szczublewski of Toledo returns to give an encore performance, singing the Republic of Poland National Anthem at the game.

Back in 1995 “Paws” appeared for the first time, and 26 years later, appears in his well-appointed “Krakovian.” Paws appears again and will be available for photo opps.

Brian Malski, a director and Scholarship Committee Member at the Friends of Polish Art will throw the ceremonial first pitch. The Friends of Polish Art was established in 1937 to promote Fine Arts and Liberal Arts of Poland and Polish people.

Polish-American Sports Hall of Fame

The 2021 National Polish-American Sports Hall of Fame will be there with an informational table on the first base side concourse inside Comerica Park. The 47th induction banquet is set for September 16, 2021. It will be held at the NPASHA Hall of Fame Museum in the American-Polish Cultural Center in Troy, Michigan.

See the previous stories from 2016. 46th Annual Event and Comerica Park

Polish American Heritage Night. Photo by Lars Hjelmroth
Polish American Heritage Night. Photo by Lars Hjelmroth

Polish American Heritage Night 2019 Highlight Reel

Raymond Rolak

Raymond Rolak is a veteran sports broadcaster who writes on a range of sporting events, plus automotive and aviation topics of interest.