Sexually transmitted disease (STD) infections are on the rise in the United States and the world. Although much has been done to educate sexually active people with regard to the causes, risks, prevention measures, and treatment options of STDs, it’s apparent that more steps yet need to be taken.
The vast majority of these steps pertain to additional education, and all these steps start with you, the individual.To help make STDs issues of the past, let’s take a look at what someone can do to protect themselves.
Use Protection
Always use protection during sexual intercourse. There are a multitude of protective devices available for use today-by both males and females, it should be noted-the most common (and perhaps the most effective of which) is the condom.
There aren’t any viable excuses for not using a condom during sex-or prompting your partner to do so. Prophylactics are affordable and widely available.And they play an important part in STD protection.
Read Up
As was alluded to initially, lacking knowledge of STDs amplifies infection rates. It’s the duty of each and every sexually active person to read up, to understand risk factors, and to respond accordingly.
A brief outline will suffice for the purposes of this article; the most glaring STD misconceptions are also the most dangerous STD misconceptions, but they can be dispelled in no time at all. Sexually transmitted diseases can result from all types of sex-including oral. Thus, it’s imperative to be protected in each of these scenarios.
Also, one cannot reduce your chances of contracting an STD by taking a shower after sex. Seriously, quite a few individuals subscribe to these and other ideas, which, when considered as a whole, produce disastrous consequences.
Get Tested Promptly
If there’s even a slight chance that one contracted a sexually transmitted disease-that is, if someone had unprotected sex-he or she must get tested promptly. Today’s STD testing facilities are accessible, professional, and reliable, and chances are that there is one within driving distance.
Getting tested promptly after being exposed to potential STDs will limit the amount of damage that the infection can inflict-in addition to protecting other persons from becoming infected.
Cures have been created for a plethora of STDs, but said diseases can inflict permanent damage if they’re left untreated for a substantial period of time. As a general rule, one should get tested if they think that they may have been exposed to an STD, and should really get tested if they are experiencing any STD symptoms-including, but not limited to, itchiness, redness, irritation, or unusual discharge.
Being proactive is perhaps the best way to protect yourself from STD damage. And if someone is not being proactive initially-like in the form of using protection-it’s still not too late to become proactive by visiting a testing facility. These tips are sure to help stay safe against STDs. Remember that a little bit of effort and initiative will go a long way towards keeping someone strong and healthy