Ayurveda – The Sister Science to Yoga

Over 5,000 years ago, in the northernmost portion of India, an ancient health practice was created by Buddhist monks who wanted to ensure that they would remain free of illnesses. They called it “Ayurveda.” It wasn’t long after this that another group of people from the same region started to focus more on yoga though. Because of this, it is quite common for people to get the two practices mixed up. In reality, they are interrelated so closely that many professionals who work in the metaphysical field refer to them as sister sciences. This can be a little confusing to those who think that they have to choose either one or the other of them though. This article will address both of their distinct differences and how they can be combined.

What Makes Ayurvedic Practices Unique?

Ayurveda is fascinating because it is one of the first attempts at explaining the connection between the way that humans eat and how their food choices affect the body. Before this, most people were scavengers who, for survival reasons, ate whatever they were able to find without being too picky about it. But this practice also brought up the different physical and emotional characteristics that people have, which some call “body types.” What the Buddhist monks described, according to the ancient Sanskrit texts, was that the majority of all illnesses were caused by a person’s physical state. So, by focusing on eating a diet meant for their body type, one could stay healthy. They also said that it helped to eat according to the seasons and use healing herbal remedies when needed.

How is Yoga Different?

Yoga has a rich lore behind it as well. According to the Indian legends, it was started roughly 4,700 years ago by an ancient Adiyogi named Shiva who lived in the Himalayas. He then passed his knowledge on to a set of wise sages in order for them to continue his work across the world. This practice is different because it focuses mostly on improving mental health through meditation and becoming more spiritually aware. But it also brings up issues of suffering and compassion and how they affect a person’s well-being and life.

How Can Ayurvedic Practices Be Used with Yoga?

Ayurvedic practices focus more on a person’s physical health, and yoga is best for improving mental health. When they are both used together, the body can be treated as a whole. In fact, they work so well when they are combined that many modern medical facilities are starting to include both of them in their treatment of patients who want to take a more spiritual approach to improving their health conditions. An example of this can be seen by looking at the wide range of holistic health centers across the world that now treat everything from rheumatoid arthritis to stress.

Melissa Thompson

Melissa Thompson writes about a wide range of topics, revealing interesting things we didn’t know before. She is a freelance USA Today producer, and a Technorati contributor.