8 Natural Home Remedies To Relieve Spondylitis Pain

Spondylitis, which is a type of spondylopathy occurs when there is inflammation in the vertebra. This condition is one of the more common causes for back and neck pain. Spondylitis is a condition which gradually develops in an unobtrusive manner, with most patients only noticing this condition when it reaches a mature stage.

Pain in certain stages can become excruciating, which is typically the first sign that something is not right. This pain is more concentrated around the lower back, shoulder and neck, where it radiates outwards towards the limbs.

There are 3 forms of spondylitis which are classified according to the affected area of the body. Ankylosing spondylitis will affect sacroiliac joints, cervical spondylitis will affect the area of the cervical-spine which causes pain to spread outwards across the shoulders, the arms, spine and the back part of the neck. Lumbar spondylitis will affect the lumbar regions.

Treatment for spondylitis will typically involve lifestyle changes, massage therapy, and physiotherapy and to buy pain pro. Unfortunately, at this stage there is not a cure for the condition and medications that a doctor might prescribe will only offer symptomatic relief. However, there are a few natural remedies for the condition that can offer relief from pain.

  1. Stretching And Exercise

Stretching can help to build flexibility and can assist in reducing the pain. It is advisable to add lower-back rotations, or a spine stretch to a daily routine. Gentle exercise programs like Pilates are ideal for Ankylosing spondylitis as these exercises incorporate stretching. Another effective form of exercise includes swimming as it is easier on the joints. The strengthening exercises using weights can assist in building muscle that supports the joints affected by this condition. It is also recommended to talk to a physical therapist or doctor to decide on the ideal exercise plan suited to your needs.

  1. Tai Chi And Yoga

Research conducted has discovered that practicing Tai Chi for one hour, two times a week or more can start to decrease pain and inflammation linked to spondylitis. Tai Chi can also assist with improving flexibility significantly. Yoga is another effective natural way to treat spondylitis. Poses like the Fish Pose and Snake Pose have been proven to decrease pain linked with ankylosing and cervical spondylitis. Additional poses which assist with relieving pain and stiffness in joints will include the Diamond Pose, Half Spinal Twist and the Bow Pose. All these poses should be attempted only under guidance from an experienced yoga instructor.

  1. Heat Therapy And Cold Therapy

This natural remedy involves applying a heating-pad or hot-water bottle to affected areas to lower pain and stiffness. Heat therapy can involve either dry heat or moist heat. Taking a warm bath before exercise is also beneficial. It is not advisable to use any type of heat therapy when you have vascular disease, diabetes, open wounds, deep-vein thrombosis or skin conditions like dermatitis.

Cold therapy treatments involve a cold gel-pack, ice-pack or even frozen vegetable bags which are applied to painful areas such as the joints to relieve and reduce swelling. After you exercise, a treatment of cold therapy can assist in reducing inflammation. Avoid applying an ice-pack for over 20 minutes in one session. Cold therapy is not suitable for people with circulation problems.

  1. Acupuncture

This is one of the ancient and natural remedies to treat pain. It typically involves inserting tiny and fine needles into specified points over your body. This treatment activates the pain-relieving hormones in the body. Some patients have reported that acupuncture is an effective remedy to relieve AS pain.

  1. The Alexander Technique

Ankylosing spondylitis can often leave a person hunched over. For this reason, practicing better posture is vital. The Alexander Technique will teach you how to become aware about your posture all through the day. It will also teach you ways to correct posture that is poor. To learn this technique, you will need to find one of the qualified teachers to teach you how to apply these techniques.

  1. Massage Therapy

Massage therapy can assist you with how to relax. Certain techniques can also assist you in feeling more flexible, which can assist you in stretching or exercising. Massage can result in tender spots around the area of the spine. If this occurs, ask your massage therapist to avoid these areas, and rather use lighter techniques until your pain starts to improve.

  1. TENS Therapy

TENS is an abbreviation for Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation. This is a natural therapy which utilizes electrical currents that stimulate nerves in the body to control pain. The electrodes are typically applied directly to the pain site and then hooked up to the TENS machine. It is believed that when a TENS machine stimulates the nerves, it is able to override the pain signals. The TENS technique is typically taught by trained physical therapists and can often be continued from home.

  1. Dietary Changes

Another natural remedy for spondylitis involves a change in diet. A high protein and nourishing diet combined with fresh fruits, vegetables and dairy will offer a way to maintain your health and energy levels. It is best to consult with a dietician or physician to find out about the best dietary changes to make to support your treatment plan for spondylitis.

Other remedies for this condition involve stopping smoking. This is especially true in men as they present a greater risk for spine damage compared to non-smokers. Giving up smoking will not only assist in decreasing AS damages but will also help to improve your health overall. Movement is also very important, the longer that you sit the stiffer you will start to feel. If you have been diagnosed with this condition, it is essential to get up, stretch regularly and move around.

Risk Factors

Spondylitis typically starts in either adolescence or into the early stages of adulthood and then continues throughout your life-time. This condition is more prominent in men than it is in women. Some of the other common risk factors include a family-history of this condition or having frequent GI infections or an HLA-B27 genetic-marker.

Melissa Thompson

Melissa Thompson writes about a wide range of topics, revealing interesting things we didn’t know before. She is a freelance USA Today producer, and a Technorati contributor.