U.S.Kids Need Pre-K and Early Childhood Teachers to Keep Up


In the U.S., more students are enrolling is pre-K than ever. States are investing in starting them and parents are responding well. However, even with these increases, there’s been a slump in per-student spending, which impacts the quality of education kids receive.

According to The State of Preschool 2017, the U.S. is falling behind nations offering universal preschool. In order to catch up, more funding and more teachers are needed to fill the gap. The government has to come up with the funding, but individuals interested in making a difference can help. With a certificate III in early childhood education and care, concerned individuals can help kids and gain a rewarding career.

Job Outlook for Early Childhood Education

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the job outlook of Early Childhood Education and Care jobs looks brights. This rewarding career is interactive and doesn’t involve sitting in a sterile office all day. If you’re a people person, developing relationships comes as a natural perk in this job. Preschool teachers work for public and private schools and in daycare centers. Those working in schools get summers and breaks off that coincides with the normal school year, and the average pay was $28,990 as of May 2017.

For those entering this field, the number of preschool teachers is expected to grow by 10 percent through 2026. This is faster than the average of other occupations due to a focus on early childhood education.

Rewards of Teaching

Although the kids are always the number 1 reason. Many people go into teaching after trying other careers with less flexible hours. Here are some other reasons teachers enjoy what they do.

  • Creativity required to keep young minds active keeps teachers young at heart.
  • Being in a colorful, fun environment makes for a happy workplace.
  • Even teaching young children is a collaborative effort. Kids teach teachers new things every day.

Filling the Gap

With such a need for compassionate, caring teachers, the U.S. should raise the per-student budget so that enough qualified teachers can be hired. Children are open and loving and the sooner they begin their education, the better able future generation will be to compete with nations already emphasizing universal pre-K in schools.

Those waiting for the right time to move into this field should do so now.

Melissa Thompson
Melissa Thompson

Melissa Thompson writes about a wide range of topics, revealing interesting things we didn’t know before. She is a freelance USA Today producer, and a Technorati contributor.

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