Online Tutoring Is Effective

Proper technology is now available to make online tutoring effective and meaningful. Online Tutoring Is Effective 1Students can connect via chat, voice and video. Shared whiteboards and desktops make learning over vast distances hands-on and personal. The methodology has had time to grow into its potential to the benefit of students of all ages. This means tutors can create personal interactions that help students grasp difficult ideas. Tutors are able to effectively gauge student understanding and adjust their methods on the fly.

Based on information from 4,700 colleges and universities, over 6.3 million US students take at least one course online. That may be why more students are opening up to the convenience of online tutoring.

24/7 Anywhere Instruction

Face-to-face tutoring can be extremely effective with a good tutor. However, logistics can get in the way of meeting up for study sessions. The tutor and student may have different schedules or live too far apart.

Now, as long as each has access to a computer and the internet, students can engage with tutors in every subject under the sun. Flexible services keep adding enhanced capabilities that make online tutoring and learning, in general, more effective and appealing.

There are even companies dedicated to tutoring solely for online classes, including This online service and others like it are designed to help students improve their performance. These companies hire professional tutors who have to demonstrate subject knowledge prior to their first tutor session.

The Human Touch

Despite the highly technical tools that make online tutoring viable, online tutoring is only successful with a human touch. Students work one-on-one with subject matter experts and get clarification on any lesson materials they’re struggling with. Consequently, their educational outcomes improve. Online tutors also motivate and encourage students who may feel discouraged and inadequate if they’re struggling in a class.

Students Are More Likely to Get Help Online

Online Community

According to researchers at the University of Colorado, online instructors and tutors also act as correspondent managers. Just as online classes have rules of engagement, tutors help students learn the acceptable rules of etiquette. This isn’t always an easy task with students who may need to vent their frustration. Ultimately, though, the student can only benefit from this guidance.

It will be interesting to watch how continuing advances in technology change the traditional classroom and the ways students can seek help so that no one is left behind.

Melissa Thompson

Melissa Thompson writes about a wide range of topics, revealing interesting things we didn’t know before. She is a freelance USA Today producer, and a Technorati contributor.