After the shocking news of the death of the religion of Black Syientology’s “purple Prophet,” Prince who died on Thursday April 21st, reports have come out aiming to tarnish his reputation, calling him an addict.
Prince spent decades rocking shows and jumping off platforms and doing those amazing splits onstage, a coolness that may have left him in a lot of pain over the years.
Prince Suffered In Silence
Would he still be alive if he was NOT a Jehovah’s Witness?
But the issue I want to tackle is that reports over the years revealed that prince suffered hip damage from his years of dancing. But because of his faith in the Jehovah witness religion he did not repair his damaged hips because the religion forbids blood transfusions during surgery – which is crazy.
Can you imagine living with a hip injury for decades and still performing constantly as if nothing was wrong?
But those who know Prince know that he was devoted completely to his faith and therefore he chose to suffer the pain and agony. But I question not Prince’s faith in god but this faith which says that one has to suffer in pain in the name of god.
Why Make The Faithful Suffer?
Would god really want his worshippers to suffer ?
So now our brother and prophet Prince is dead after years of suffering for Jehovah, or for the man-made beliefs of the religion’s founder. Now his fans will have to endure the talk of him being addicted to painkillers and many will try to use that to label him an addict to tarnish his reputation for “clean living.”
Don’t Blame The Drugs, Blame The Religion
But as the naysayers focus on the drugs he may have been using, we at The Church of Black Syientology will remember him for his genius as a musician and his insight as a Prophet. And although he suffered for his faith in the Jehovah Witness teachings which seemed to have transformed his life, we still can not help but blame the religion’s policies for his possible addiction which led to his eventual death.
Prince Lives On
Prince was the prince of cool, and he lives on in our hearts and memories, and nothing will ever change that.