Vile Incitement of Islamonazi-Arab Must End!

Israel will never see a day of peace and security so long as the vile incitement of the Islamonazi-Arab goes on and that must end, really end, no if, no but!

Education’s purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one!

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and there is no certainty about the former!

Video: Palestinian Authority cleric: Stones and trees order Muslims to kill the evil Jews

PA TV Sermon:

“Jews are the enemies of Allah and humanity”

“The Prophet says: ‘Kill the Jews'”

“Even if donkeys would cease to bray, dogs cease to bark, wolves cease to howl and snakes to bite, the Jews would not cease to harbor hatred towards Muslims.”

Encouragement and justification for murdering Jews is one leg of the official, four-legged narrative of the so-called “moderate” PLO-PA-Fatah-Abbas, propagated in their curriculum and political/media rhetoric. Then there is terror worship and adulation of terrorists, promise of endless war against Israel, never peace with Israel, delegitimization of Israel, by lying about the region’s history and any and all Jewish connection to ANY part of Israel – even to Tel Aviv – is taught to be rightly Arab-“Palestinian.”

Team PA-Abbas are virulent anti-Semitic. The headlines alone tell the story:

1. Judaism is a “distorted, corrupted, falsified religion.” The Jews’ “evil nature is drawn from Adam’s first son” Cain

2. PA TV: Jews praying at Western Wall are “sin and filth”

3. Killing of Israelis must be timed just right, says PA

Palestinian Media Watch online offers ample information on the so-called “moderate” Arab-“Palestinian” leadership and what they advocate; what they tell their people and what they tell the USA and the West, two different coat of the same wolf.

Israel and the West, but particularly Israel, have made a huge error ignoring the incitement in the Arab world and among the Arab-“Palestinians,” treating it as peripheral and unimportant. It is actually essential – if Israel to survive, that the incitement must be exposed and brought to an end, real end, in any mean possible.

All Israelis must make a stink about people like this Ibrahim Sarsur who is pimping for Islam, on the Knesset floor. Sanctions are now require on people like him. All Israelis must demand that this phenomenon ENDs. Democracy goes that far but not farther: Arab MK: ‘Israel Faces Extinction in Mideast,

How about the government of Israel finally begins exposing the virulent anti-Semitism of the PLO-PA-Fatah-Abbas which is nothing but cancerous incitement. It is imperative to expose the Arabs Islamonazi mentality without mincing words. If not done now, ONLY Israel will get hurt furtherand further .

How about the government of Israel finally say that no part of Jerusalem has ever been an Arab/Islamic capital, will never be and will never be divided. “Palestine” and dividing Jerusalem is a reward for ethnic cleansing.

We cannot continued being “out-to-lunch about the conflict. This cannot go on like this, simply cannot!

Nurit Greenger

During the 2006 second Lebanon War, Nurit Greenger, referenced then as the “Accidental Reporter” felt compelled to become an activist. Being an ‘out-of-the-box thinker, Nurit is a passionately committed advocate for Jews, Israel, the United States, and the Free World in general. From Southern California, Nurit serves as a “one-woman Hasbarah army” for Israel who believes that if you stand for nothing, you will fall for anything.

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