The Universe as It was Never Described Before – Part 1

This is not a science fiction exercise written by a very imaginative author. Nor an attack on the religious and scientific communities and their opposing beliefs. Above all, it is not a polemical essay aimed at arousing additional polarization between the various human factions that have drawn their lines of separation in the shifting sands of time.

What I hope to offer the reader is a new perspective, an alternate concept for explaining specific activities that humans have always observed. This musing is a request for intelligent people to think constructively outside the box.

To begin, I ask you to lay aside your religious beliefs, your scientific theories, your presently accepted conventional human wisdom, and your hubris as the most advanced form of animal life on our speck of the universe that we call the Earth. For this totally free mental exercise of imagining, I would like you to have as clean a slate as possible to draw on and as clear a mind as the human version of a thinking apparatus can be.

The analytical approach I intend to use may be more physically than metaphysically orientated. Since we will be dealing with activity invisible to the human eye and its sophisticated hi-tech visual aids, I think a fresh vocabulary may be necessary. As new concepts are introduced, I shall try to accurately define them in specific English terms that may need further clarification later.

Minute by minute humans observe changes in their physical surroundings. We recognize that there is a certain dynamism that alters the appearance of both animate and inanimate things. Some of this dynamism is considered voluntary in those creatures that have a body with enough neurons somewhere inside of them to make decisions that might evidence willpower. Changes in plants and in inanimate physical objects are considered involuntary because we assume that they lack whatever is necessary to make voluntary choices. That one assumption led me to ask my first question, what is the power (willpower, instinct, or something else) that causes things to change?

One of the definitions for “action” in Webster’s Third New International Dictionary is: “2a: the bringing about of an alteration by force or through some natural agency (as the action of water on rocks).” The 7th definition of “force” in that same unabridged dictionary is: “an act…that forces the response of another.” Neither power nor force can be seen, but the consequences of a powerful force can be witnessed in the response of those objects within the force field which are expected to do something or react somehow. My next question is, how can the responding objects know how to respond and what they are required to do?

Before I answer that question, I must call your attention to another basic assumption that humans accept automatically. We fervently believe that there must be a cause for every effect that we observe. A cause can be a physical force or a mental suggestion that triggers a physical force. In both cases, the process involves an inaudible communication between the cause or force and the affected object. The cause initiates the communication with the following order, “Object, it’s time to alter your course of action or behavior in such and such manner.” The object, instantly aware that it has received a message that must be heeded, silently acknowledges the specific order and adjusts its action as instructed.

Isn’t that what happens when the force of gravity attracts some solitary object that somehow has wandered into its force field? But we haven’t defined the object or the source of power yet. Here is where the new perspective is necessary. For this example I will use an atom as the object, which I suggest is connected to the universal communication network of the intelligence that controls the whole universe. This atom is in motion relative to something larger which also is connected to the universal communication network, and that omnipresent network provides instant access to the rules governing each and every atom in the universe and how they are to act.

Although very small objects like atoms are considered to be unintelligent, they seem know, or be programmed to know, what they are and are not, what they can and can’t do, where they can and can’t go, and with whom they can and can’t associate. That significant information must be available to them without any brain to process it, any DNA to harbor it, and any observable physical mechanism to receive and store it. A lowly atom appears to be quite knowledgeable when you consider all the go/no go rules that human chemists have identified that must be obeyed before an atom of any natural element can join other atoms in becoming a molecule. And I suspect that all the other atoms in that physical space (and in the universe wherever they might be) likewise have the same knowledge about themselves.

It would seem that this vast intelligence network permeates our universe like the multiplication tables – silent, hidden from view, always useful, yet omnipresent. Any consciousness (or something equivalent) capable of tuning in and searching this reservoir of knowledge would be able to obtain and use the information or data available without needing years of instruction. Now we can begin to understand how the effect of a unique cause is brought about. The tiny object in our example is constantly on the alert, listening for orders and obeying the rules that govern what an object of its unique nature must do under the circumstances.

We tend to think humans are unique animals who obey laws when they are forced to do so. We seldom ask ourselves how lesser animals, plants, and inanimate elements function in the universe without a brain, a gene look-up table, or any other seat of intelligence. Still, elements unite, dumb animals evolve, fancy flowers flourish, and infinitesimal sub-atomic particles perform according to the universal laws that govern them. Are they merely compelled to do what is expected of them by the four unseen forces that physicists have named? Or are they on a journey like us following a secret path to an unknown destination with an undisclosed purpose guided by a super intelligence with imperial powers using a vast invisible communication network?

This pervasive intelligence knows exactly when a construct of matter such as a planet has the size required to attract smaller objects, and it orders an object calculated to be within the planet’s force field to alter its course appropriately. Or does an invisible, but almighty, graviton dart out from the planet to drag the nearby object closer into the force field? If indeed such a thing as a graviton exists, who or what would command it to accomplish that specific mission? And by what means would the order be given to the graviton?

Then the question occurred to me, Can some mindless, uneducated aggregate of matter somehow fabricate a gigantic force field with the precision of a mathematical formula where the power of attraction diminishes relative to the distance covered by the force field? Where does such intelligence reside in that aggregate of simple elements? How do the constituents of that aggregate generate an attractive force, search the force field for objects subject to its pull, and draw them nigh without using some kind of knowledge or a communication network to obtain that knowledge?

Further questions stumped me. How does an infinitesimal photon know what is the fixed velocity established for the speed of light through space? How does a molecule of oxygen and hydrogen participate in the water cycle on Earth and know what is the exact temperature for freezing or evaporating? We take for granted that water is aware of such parameters and adjusts its physical appearance automatically to different temperatures. But how do inanimate atoms without a nervous system become so intelligent? We need a different approach in explaining the process of understanding and obeying such universal laws, because there are no signs that we know of posted somewhere in space showing speed limits and no thermometers floating on bodies of water.

Without enforcement, a law is virtually worthless. But the laws of Nature that humans have uncovered so far are self-enforcing and inviolable. The various physical elements seemingly obey them automatically. So the ultimate force in the universe is the primordial intelligence that specifies all relationships, all possibilities, and all action. But intelligence appears powerless to accomplish anything without knowledge of it. Knowledge stored in books, in libraries, and in some inaccessible form is useless. Knowledge must be communicated, and the recipient must be capable of accessing the chosen method of communication and fluent enough to understand the language being used.

Back to the question of force. A force is allied to what humans observe and call a cause that brings about an effect on some object. Is the effect on the object the result of some imaginary force or the result of the object following the directions of the intelligence that is shared throughout the universe and quickly understood by the mute object? A force is not visible. That it actually “works” on some object can only be proven or shown by the results. How we define that process is quite relevant to describing and understanding the universe.

Therefore, I propose that we reexamine the correlation of cause and effect, and try to determine a new theory about how this “if, then” process actually “works.” Toss out the concept of forcing obedience and introduce the concept of obeying the instructions provided by some fantastic, yet-to-be discovered communication network that provides instantaneous instructions everywhere in the space we call the universe.

How that might “work” can best be explained by our human experience. We obey a specific law only when we are fully aware that one exists that pertains to our human behavior. Does any law itself have force? No. We follow its demands as the consequence of our understanding the specific details of the order and agreeing to abide by its instructions.

Does an atom in our body need a constant force to keep it in its position if the atom understands what it is and where it should be? I don’t think so. Just because I can’t precisely describe an invisible communication network, doesn’t mean that there isn’t one. An alien visitor to Earth unfamiliar with radio communication probably couldn’t guess how unseen waves carry signals through the air that produce sound via a mechanical/electrical system that requires a transmitter and a receiver. Was there an identifiable primitive force behind the transmission, or the implementation of some basic knowledge that affected the result that we call broadcasting?

The ubiquitous Internet indicates to me that the transmission of ideas is what originates human action and launches new activity between human or mechanical recipients. Those recipients must be capable of understanding the intelligence communicated. From similar examples, I suspect that some all-powerful intelligence that permeates the cosmos is the ultimate cause of everything that happens in the universe. This ever-present intelligence employs a complex communication network to activate change by instructing the elements involved what is expected of them. These elements somehow know what they are and what they must do. If a message containing instructions arrives that doesn’t pertain to them, it is automatically ignored.

The basic question is: Are objects compelled by an outside force to do something they aren’t doing, or are they induced by intelligent instructions to comply with an order to proceed as they know they should? The observable results would be the same from a human standpoint. Either explanation would be impossible for humans to verify today. My inclination is toward the one that assumes an omnipresent intelligence to be the instigator of everything at whatever level of detail we humans chose to examine.

To be continued…

Chic Hollis

Chic Hollis is a longtime drummer and motorcyclist, who served in the US Air Force in North Africa. Married 4 times with 5 children born in 5 different countries on four continents, Chic is a politically independent citizen of the world interested in helping Americans understand the reality that is life overseas where many intelligent, educated, and industrious people aren’t as privileged as we are in the US. He studied Latin, Greek, Russian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and German and ran several large companies. Sadly, Chic Has left this planet and we miss him very much, but we are very pleased to display his amazing writing works.